Aug 03, 2011 17:59
[Everybody was so serious and angry and honestly, it was freaking Del out a bit, but she was dealing with it as well as she could.
Which, for once, didn't include rocking back and forth in a nearly catatonic state of panic - because Del is nothing if not unpredictable.
Instead, today, she's making a giant web across the lobby. Much like the time map Hiro made in Heroes. But... bigger. And more copmlicated. It also seesms to have an axis that can't really be represnted in three dimensions, so there are bits of string that just skip at random points.]
I don't know how to add the mist... It keeps being too solid...
((ooc: Open open open! Get stuck, be pissed, wonder how she's walking on the ceiling, please have a go with whatever random thing you can think of her doing :D ))