Troll!Ted = > RAEG (Action)

Jul 07, 2011 13:24

[This was very aggravating.

Ted woke up from the recuperacoon feeling refreshed, but no less disturbed and disgusted. He'd ate Alternian food which quelled his hunger, but it was still sickening to look at. He'd gotten a bit more used to always needing basically a car's worth of space around him, but that didn't prevent him from scraping the walls or bumping them into things frequently. He had enlarged his room as compensation.

To ease his frustration, he'd tried drawing. Buildings, of course. This, being his loss, only frustrated him further. Everything came out looking mediocre at best and hardly like a building at all at worst. He'd kept trying, and trying, and trying, before finally tossing his hands up and calling it quits, blaming it on designer's block. He didn't want to believe that his life-long passion had been his permanent loss, after all.

So when he'd finally decided maybe taking a walk would help him, even if it had to be within the castle due to the irritating sun, and found the door closed, his anger came to a boiling point. He'd lifted his leg and kicked the door so hard that its hinges snapped and it fell into the hallway with a loud BANG! For good measure, he then picked up the door and threw it, causing it snap against the wall.

He's a troll. What'd you expect?]

((Done spamming the comm, really. ;; ♥

Also, there is a very real chance of Ted hitting whoever happens to come across him, so please don't approach him if you'd rather not your character have a black eye or something.))

ted mosby

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