♩ 030

Jun 18, 2011 23:40

[anyone who was involved with his rescue]

[Pretend this is backdated to like, a few days after the whole fiasco. He knows that this is actually pretty late, but he was busy trying to console his robo-sister unsure how to word it. And unsure about how to react to the whole situation.]

Thank you. I...we really appreciate it. Me and my sister, I mean.


Oh, and Sis wants to know if you're doing well.



I apologize for my prolonged absence from the Host Club. I had some rather important business to take care of. Also, several things popped up [mainly kids and getting kidnapped] , so...I hope you'll forgive me.

[Why yes, he's aware there's a meeting going on right now, but he's choosing to spend his time looking for someone. Again. Even though that's what got him into trouble in the first place.]


carl clover

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