𝛃 - 023

Jun 16, 2011 21:35

[She's checking up on the journal during a break in her shift from guarding Leroy. Although guard duty was never really one of her things back at home, and perhaps not the most exciting of posts, it was something.]

Filtered to Peace Patrol via Peaceberry
This is Kat-320 requesting status updates concerning the Leroy case. What've we found, people?

Filtered to York and Delta
How are you two managing out there?

Filtered to Yuan
I'm sure the security cameras picked it up as well, but I'm sending you my armor system's video logs from the night of the capture. Conversation got a little interesting if you ask me. Keyphrase "Jump-Sparrow-Guide". [Girl knows her encryptions.]

[And then dictated open over hte journal, because she's met the gamut of pwoer, non-powered, and non-human individuals,]

So tell me, just out of idle curiosity, what sort of vocations do we have represented here?

[[ooc: PP people feel free to threadjack/treat this as an open forum!]]

kat s-320

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