#013 - Backdated to Thursday morning

Jun 09, 2011 22:10

[PEOPLE OF PARADISA! Are you ready for some SCREAMING?

Because there is some. There is a lot actually. Someone is screaming up on the seventh floor, and it is a wail of true and unadulterated suffering. You guys on other floors aren't spared, he's got his journal open. It's mostly unintelligible, but there's plenty of "NO!" and "WHY!" and "IT'S NOT FAIIIIIRRRRR!" mixed in there.

The source of this misery is... not someone getting vamp'd. No one died, no one went home, no. Sanji is now on a loss. What is this loss? Do you really want to know?]

[No matter how much he scrubs at his face, that is how he appears. No matter how many times he removes the pretty pink dress he's in, it reappears on his body. His long legs are bare, and hairy. There is no escape, either: his door will not open as long as the sun shines on Paradisa.

This is true misery.]

((ooc: sdkhfkjsdhfkjsfhksjdf Sanji's worst nightmare is here: the dreaded okama loss. Open for journal or in person.))


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