8 traps filled - with garlic

Jun 07, 2011 10:42

[mostly, Ray's been stalking everything through the journals like a creeper, because he knows that proton wands don't do jack against living things. but they've made him a leader, and ... he's been tearing his hair out trying to figure out how you lead against something you know nothing about. finally, he decides it's probably time to just plain ask for help, now that he's in the library surrounded by books. AGAIN.]

[Peace Patrol: Supernatural Division]

Okay, guys. This is probably a little late, and I'm super-sorry about that, because ... well. Okay, any excuse I could give wouldn't be a good one. But ... what's been done about this, what's being done, and ...

Well ...

How can we contain these guys without permanently hurting them? Because it isn't their fault the castle's makin' 'em do this ...

[/Patrol SD]

[now that that's done with, he'll just idly toss another question out there. he might regret it later, but any bit of information that might help...]

.... Hey, Pete. Did World of the Psychic ever do anything on vampires?

ray stantz

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