Mostly watching movies and exploring the forest and eating stuff. Aaaaand I have plans to learn French, bake cookies, and take up gardening! And hopefully not kill any flowers. How long have you been here?
I'll have been here three years, at the beginning of this August. [somewhat restrained; she knows it's a long time... one of the longer runners, somehow.]
Oh boy... [ :x she starts to say something like 'you must miss your home a lot' but she stops herself just in time! she is learning about this tact thing ] What kinds of stuff have you been doing all this time?
[ she scratches her head ] I really don't know... is it those one-sided glasses that old guys wear? What are they called again...? Mo-somethings.
Well... I'm from a long time before most people in the castle, so I learn about everything I can. I have Pokémon, which are animals from a world change, that I explore and do stuff with... I own a business these days. And I explore the outside world and think of stuff that the castle residents can do, like I don't know if you know about the outposts, but we have dead zone outposts and they're a thing I organized I guess.
[a little confused pause, but - ] Oh, I think I know what you mean! It's not that, but you're still on the right track, I think.
A turtle! I bet it's a turtle.
To be honest, I think it's because I heard one really similar to it before. Something about an animal that can carry its home on its back...
Oh! Should I filter that? In case anyone else wants to guess?
I'm Rin, by the way.
Oh, sure, I'd like that. Bring 'em on.
Here's another one, anyway: what do you look at with one eye, but never two?
Hmmm. Okay, this one is harder. Is itttt... a needle?
No, it's not a needle...
Hmm. Is it a cool, symbolic answer, like the past~ or the future~?
Nope! It's a physical thing.
Welllllll... oh! Oh, is it like... a keyhole? When you're peeping into a room?
That's closer! But you're not quite there yet.
Gosh... oh, okay. How about a telescope?
Closer still! But you're not quite there yet.
[ she scratches her head ] I really don't know... is it those one-sided glasses that old guys wear? What are they called again...? Mo-somethings.
[a little confused pause, but - ] Oh, I think I know what you mean! It's not that, but you're still on the right track, I think.
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