
May 12, 2011 21:52

[Filtered away from anyone who doesn't have the best interests of the residents at heart]

[The following is carefully and clearly written into the journal:]

Attention, people of Paradisa:

Many of you have probably noticed by now, the castle is not always kind, and neither are your fellow residents. While it's true that Paradisa has generally been, ( Read more... )


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Filtered ectobabble May 13 2011, 05:08:03 UTC
Oh, neat! I think I'd heard something about this ... but, um. Do we have to be able to fight to be able to join? I still wanna help....


filtered forever cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 05:11:50 UTC
It's not required, especially if you have other skills that might be useful. If you're interested in learning, we may also be able to find someone to train you in some basic combat skills.


ectobabble May 13 2011, 05:18:52 UTC
If it's alright, I'd rather not - there are plenty of other people to do that kinda thing. But .... [he clears his throat and looks over the list]

My name is Ray Stantz, I was a ghostbuster and an engineer, back home. I've got a lot of experience with paranormal phenomena and related machinery. ... I can fix cars and stuff like that, too. You know, normal machines. Not just paranormal-related stuff.


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 05:23:08 UTC
All right, then. Good to have you along, Ray. I'll have the ghosts send your equipment by. Do you have any questions?


ectobabble May 13 2011, 05:26:40 UTC
[he laughs] That's kind of a bad thing to ask me, yanno. I've always got questions. But I figure I can save most of 'em for when we have meetings, or whatever ... we do have meetings, right? And do you need my room number?


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 05:31:11 UTC
We do. I'll probably be announcing the next one next week, once I have a good idea of who's entering our ranks. And we have access to a floor map via CastleNet, unless you have a different name on your door than the one you've given me.


ectobabble May 13 2011, 05:36:54 UTC
No, no fancy alias for me. I'm just me, just Ray. But that sounds great! I'll keep an eye out. Thanks a bunch - I really appreciate you giving me a shot at this!


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 05:38:38 UTC
Anyone willing to help with the castle's defenses is welcome, especially since you're bringing specialized knowledge.

[Not to mention they need all the help they can get.]


ectobabble May 13 2011, 05:40:29 UTC
Great! I can, uh, put together a sort of briefing on basic supernatural stuff, for the meeting, in case people aren't used to dealing with it where they're from?


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 05:41:59 UTC
That sounds like an excellent idea. I'll look forward to hearing it. [Also an excellent way to get yourself put in charge of the eventual supernatural branch of the Patrol.]


ectobabble May 13 2011, 05:48:50 UTC
Okay! I won't go too far in-depth, don't wanna really confuse people who've never seen any of it. I could maybe see if I can trap a couple ghosts out in town, though, ones that aren't from the castle, bring one in as a demonstration ...

[he's off and rolling. you've enabled the perpetual enthusiasm generator, Yuan, and there is no turning back. also. in charge? IN CHARGE? he is not good at in charge. why do people here keep thinking he is? first jury foreman, now this....]


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 05:51:48 UTC
...If you're going to do that, hold them in the cells, please. The last thing we need is a haunting in our base of operations.

[Well, he's the one who stepped up and started volunteering to take on responsibility, after all.]


ectobabble May 13 2011, 15:09:23 UTC
Cells? Ha, no, I don't need to do that! I've got a containment trap! ... and a half. The second one's almost done. It's a little harder building them with wished-up material and none of my notes from home.

[but Yuaaaaaaa-aaaaan, volunteering information and taking responsibility are two completely different things!! ... at least, that's going to be his argument if this ever comes up]


cloakand_danger May 15 2011, 03:18:01 UTC
...As long as you're careful, then, I suppose.

[still impressive enthusiasm. But there are lots of factors to consider, of course.]


ectobabble May 18 2011, 01:45:54 UTC
Oh! Yeah, totally! [never mind that he's 1/4 of the team responsible for the most property damage done to the city of New York by a single business ...]


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