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iamdamnloyal May 8 2011, 03:30:15 UTC
[She's in her room and then suddenly, so is he.]

Wow. That's convenient!

[Right. Important stuff.]

No, I agree. Death is not the answer in this place, but the girl? The one that you made Wesley love? She used to be a friend of mine. Well, not her but the body she's in.

Have you met Fred before? She was at my party. Brunette, cute smile, bit of an accent? Anyway, she loved Wesley. I mean, she probably still does, but it's hard when you've been in a castle for a while and all the Wesleys keep bouncing in and out of this place.

Anyway, see they were the ones that were in love. I mean, I'm almost positive of it. She kept wearing these skirts and there were long meetings...

Then, in the future of my world, something horrible happens and Fred's body gets used to hold that God person. That Illyria girl. It kills Fred and just lives in her skin.

Which, Ew.

Wesley hasn't even lived any of that stuff. He doesn't have those feelings yet and future or not, things can always change. It's called Free Will and humans are totally big into it.

We don't like being told that something is definitely going to happen. I mean, Angel? He hates prophecies.


matchmaker May 8 2011, 03:42:57 UTC
[She might have lost him on a few tangents there (and he may or may not have been distracted by the sheer amount of unicorn images present), but he thinks he gets most of what she's trying to say. And now he feels kind of bad for ever offering to help to begin with. Keywords: kind of]

She mentioned that--inhabiting someone else's body. Still, it's not like they're unhappy now. I get the whole free will argument. Trust me, I've heard it enough in the last few months. But so long as they aren't trying to kill each other then what's the problem? Besides your friend Fred...

[Which was kind of a big one, wasn't it? This is Cupid looking a little torn, because he really doesn't want to leave Illyria holding the short end of the stick when she specifically came to him for help, but he can't just ignore the fact that Wesley and Fred are in love--at least according to Harmony]

It looks like someone's going to wind up heartbroken either way this plays out.


iamdamnloyal May 8 2011, 05:46:11 UTC
[She nods]

It does kind of work out that way in the real world too.

See, true love is great, but it's better when you find it. When you get to know the person and all the small things that make them who they are.

When it's just whoosh and you're in love all those parts are missing. It feels great, and amazing, and wonderful - but it's almost hollow.


matchmaker May 8 2011, 06:15:58 UTC
[Even if he can understand where she's coming from, this isn't something he wants to hear]

I dunno. Call me crazy, but I'd still take "hollow" love over people trying to killing each other. What's to prevent your friend from turning around and trying to murder his soon-to-be-ex all over again?


iamdamnloyal May 8 2011, 06:20:36 UTC
[She frowns, she knows that it's not what he wants to hear and she can't imagine how it feels to be in his position.]

Well, I don't think he'll kill her. Plus, in two weeks she'd be back in case it did happen. Wes probably just has issues. I mean, he's not insane - there was a Wesley that showed up here that was insane.

It'll work out, but you have to give them time to let it work out.

Forcing things only makes it worse. [She wonders if she should get him to put together puzzles. Big 10000 piece puzzles. For a hobby or to teach him patience.]

I've had all sorts of love. I've had the hollow fake love too and I think most people, if they were given the choice, they'd choose the harder things because they make it worth earning the good parts.

Can you... maybe undo what you did but when they're not in the same room? Maybe have Wesley in a room with friends and undo it?


matchmaker May 8 2011, 06:31:19 UTC
[Thinking this over. He's not too keen on taking love away from people, but it wouldn't be the first time he's had to fix a mess--especially here. Still, he'd rather not just rush in and undo when it might cause even more problems in the long-run]

Sure, no problem. But what about Illyria? She wasn't very happy with the way things were before. Are these friends of hers going to be there for her too?


iamdamnloyal May 8 2011, 06:34:39 UTC
I'm sorry. Really, I wish that it was just as easy and simple as you can make it.

[She wants to reassure him, to comfort him... and her hand goes to pat on his arm.]

I don't know if she has friends. Uh... maybe look through the journals and see if someone talked to her recently? Do some research, see how it happens where I'm from. People making connections, learning little details...


matchmaker May 8 2011, 06:39:14 UTC
[Well that's kind of depressing, even if Harmony had offered up a little gesture meant to reassure him]

Are you sure that this is what your friend would want?


iamdamnloyal May 8 2011, 06:42:20 UTC
[She's not sure how to reassure someone like him. She doesn't think cuddling with him would work...]

Yes. I'm positive. [She says this rather boldly, because she trusts that Wesley and Illyria will both want this]


matchmaker May 8 2011, 06:48:00 UTC
If you say so.

[Even if he doesn't feel too good about it, if only for Illyria's sake]

You know, calling myself the god of love is going to start sounding like false advertisement if this type of thing keeps up.


iamdamnloyal May 8 2011, 06:50:42 UTC

Do you only make matches? What about people that are already in love or already happy? Can you do anything for them?


matchmaker May 8 2011, 06:57:12 UTC
[Because. D:]

I never really thought about it before. Mostly I make matches. What happens afterward doesn't generally need any help from me.


iamdamnloyal May 8 2011, 07:01:13 UTC
[She nods... thinking about something...]

That doesn't feel right... so you, you just make the matches and then move on? You don't ever go back and see what happened?

Maybe we should try to find you some couples that fell in love the hard way, let you see how it can happen naturally. I think you'd actually really respect how much effort people put into it.


matchmaker May 8 2011, 18:54:44 UTC
There's not really any need for me to check in on them afterward. Humans who are hit by my arrows love one another completely and perfectly, without the added ups and downs that come when they do it on their own.

But if you think it will help, then by all means. I just can't see why anyone would prefer a love that could change on an emotional whim, or that might possibly fade over time. It hardly seems ideal.


iamdamnloyal May 8 2011, 19:03:41 UTC
It's not ideal, but it's real. It's something that they work at - together so it means more.

You're supposed to feel better about things that you earn instead of just being given.

I mean, some people don't wish for things in the castle because they're not sure what the price is.


matchmaker May 8 2011, 19:12:27 UTC
[He's going to have to roll his eyes at the whole feeling better about things you earn. That whole argument is kind of lost in translation when you're dealing with a deity--especially the Greek variety who are known for their vices]

If you say so.


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