✘ twenty-first

Mar 10, 2011 17:21

[ backdated to after these shenanigans ]

[ ooookay, so that training session in the Danger Room? couldn't have gone any worse or, you know what? maybe it could have, but she doesn't really want to think about that right now. she already had to sit there and watch Laura heal after Julian pretty much sent her swan diving into the floor. even though ( Read more... )

cessily kincaid, laura kinney

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fightfurther March 10 2011, 23:34:42 UTC
[Laura had forgotten about her promise to tell Cessily what was bothering her after being telekinetically slammed into the floor. Luckily, though, she's all healed up. Not so luckily, she has to talk about the whole awkward Julian thing. Which everyone has been bringing up lately.

Buuut she opens the door, not quite catching the playful tone in Cessily's voice.]

You do not drink.


reshaper March 11 2011, 00:23:50 UTC
You never know, I might have started in the past couple of months.

[ Cessily laughs a little, shrugging her shoulders as she offers one of the cups to her. yep, she totally forgot about their talk, didn't she? it's fine, she's here to talk not! though she isn't sure whether she's excited about that fact or not. idly, after Laura takes her cup, she shifts her own cup between her hands ]

Yeah.. Not really, you're right. It's just kind of become a habit here, making a second cup for myself. Did you still want to talk? If not, I won't hold it against you. I'll take a rain-check. Today just.. yeah. Wow.

I'm sorry I couldn't catch you in time.


fightfurther March 11 2011, 00:26:41 UTC
[She takes the cup from Cess and steps back, making room for her to come in.]

It is fine. I have already healed.

[She shifts her weight slightly, then sighs.]

We can still talk.


reshaper March 11 2011, 01:12:37 UTC
It wasn't really the healing aspect I was worried about, I knew you would heal. I don't know, you've just never really looked that bothered about something before.

[ she steps inside once allowed to, turning to look at her after the door is closer. see that look? someone's on to you! not that it wasn't blatantly obvious to begin with ]

But I think I have an idea about what it might be.


fightfurther March 11 2011, 01:14:08 UTC

[LAURA SEES THAT LOOK, all right!]

You do?


reshaper March 11 2011, 01:22:36 UTC
Uh-huh. We should probably sit down.

[ look at her dance around that subject! she'll just be claiming a chair. girl, we need to decorate your room later -- after this girl talk is over ]


fightfurther March 11 2011, 01:25:47 UTC
[Why does it need decorating? There's a bed and stuff! Which Laura sits down on, and then just stares at her hands.]


reshaper March 11 2011, 01:33:54 UTC
When did you start liking him?

[ straight to the point, there was no reason to dance around the subject. it's Laura, she can handle this! right? ]


fightfurther March 11 2011, 01:35:14 UTC
[Sure she can handle it! But she's still not looking up. She lets out a frustrated noise.]

Everyone keeps asking me this. I do not even know what it means.


reshaper March 11 2011, 01:38:51 UTC
Okay, let's try that again. When you're around him, he makes you feel kind of weird, doesn't he? Well, it's not so much weird as it is normal. Yep, normal.

It's normal for a girl to feel like when she's around a guy she likes. And when I saw like, I mean.. [ SHE CANNOT BE MORE FRANK. so completely with an all-knowing smile ]

Basically? You have a crush on Julian.


fightfurther March 11 2011, 01:41:32 UTC
[Laura doesn't really know what to say to that.]

Yes, Laurie said the same thing. But...


reshaper March 11 2011, 01:51:42 UTC
What do you feel? You know, when you're around Julian and he isn't trying to pick a fight.


fightfurther March 11 2011, 02:01:02 UTC

I... [Ugh this is so terrible. She really doesn't want to talk about this, but it's Cessily, so...]

I feel happy. But there is this... Fluttery feeling in my stomach, especially when he is close. Also, my heart rate increases. And... [She fiddles with the hem of her shirt uncomfortably.] Sometimes, I get angry. When Nori kissed him, and when he was... Dancing with that girl. [IF YOU CAN CALL IT DANCING. Then, in an annoyed voice, she adds:] She was very close to him.


reshaper March 11 2011, 02:24:04 UTC
Butterflies in your stomach, that's what the feeling is called. It just means you're nervous but, believe it or not it's a good feeling to have -- even if it weirds you out sometimes. [ AW, LAURA. she can't help but smile over this! she even walks over to steal the seat next to her, leaving her cup of coffee behind on the table ]

Uh-huh, and that's jealousy. It's a little more complicated than the butterflies in the stomach. You're protective of him and he's protective of you. I'd have to be blind not to see that. So, I guess the real question is all of this is; what are you going to do about it? Do you feel better talking about it? .. Ugh, I swear this wasn't supposed to turn into twenty questions.

Are you going to tell him?


fightfurther March 11 2011, 02:25:27 UTC
[Have another pause, Cess.]

What would telling him accomplish?


reshaper March 11 2011, 18:14:09 UTC
I don't know, it might take a little weight off of your shoulders? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that he's protective of you, too, you know.

[ oh gosh, Laura, she will get you through this yet! ]


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