003 ✘ [action] d-d-dannnger rooom

Mar 07, 2011 07:42

[ Good morning X-Men.  Did you all have a good, restful night of sleep after a long, hard day of worrying about those missing kiddos?   Surely, you didn't spend the night at the after-party celebration, getting fall-down drunk, and only finding your way to your bedroom at about four in the morning.  You're all much more responsible than that.

Logan didn't skimp on the alcohol last night, but, well, there are numerous benefits to that regenerative system, and a lack of hangovers is definitely one of them.  So at five o'clock am on the button, Logan makes his way through the castle, pounding on doors of every X-Man he knows to be here.  If you don't open up, that's fine.

He'll let himself in.

But if you value your door being in one piece, that's something you should probably avoid. ]

Danger Room, fifteen minutes.  Get dressed.

[ For anyone who decides to ignore that message, and stay in the safety of their sheets, Logan asks one of the friendly neighborhood ghosts to stand right over wherever you're trying to catch some shuteye, and play Reveille until you change your mind.

Fun fact: it's awfully hard to attack something completely incorporeal.

With that done, he heads out to the Danger Room to finish punching in the simulation's he's programmed.  Did you all think he wasn't serious about starting lessons up the moment Slenderman was taken care of?  ]

[ooc; wanted to get this up early, so that people can tag in whenever they're around today ♥  X-men training day #1!  I'll put up sections below that you can tag into as you so choose.  Threadjack away, don't sweat tag order, etc.  Also open to anyone who dares wants to stumble into the Danger Room in the middle of a Logan training simulation.  Just look for the appropriate thread!]

logan (wolverine)

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