[Following Darkwing's plan, Mal has gone to posting
this all around the castle. It's on every door, on every wall, there's not a place in the castle without one. Each journal entry, it will appear]
The talking duck man is right. If we're going to be afraid of this thing, we're only going to give it more power. All those images you see, you're building up your mental image of a creature that's unstoppable. Think of it like this, take some of that fear away weaken the damned thing. If we can't wish it out of existence, let's at least make it less of a threat.
And whatever they're planning to do to attack it? Will that to work, don't just hope it will, believe it will. I know it sounds insane, but what will it hurt to try? If it doesn't work, at least we know we gave this route a chance. It's better than missing out on something that could very well help us.