[TARDIS Filter, Five's Room - aka, Private]
[Five has been doing quite a lot of thinking, recently. so much fighting, so many battles, so much chaos - the matter with Isis, and now he's hearing stirrings of other conflicts ... and for some reason, thinking about all of it today has started to slip under his skin, a little. he's puttering about his room, rearranging the shelves, moving about his notes and his books and the artefacts he's collected on his expeditions beyond the Castle - there's even a bit of rubble from when it was knocked down, a year ago. and as he putters, he's muttering to the TARDIS, who has no other alternative but to patiently listen to her Doctor]
You know, it wouldn't be so bad if they wouldn't just all RUSH to arms whenever one of them felt the least bit slighted. That's the problem with them, really. Far too impetuous, too impulsive, the lot of them. If they'd just stop, for once, and think, and reason it out...! ...
[he heaves a sigh] But they never do, do they. They don't think about things, the whole picture of it, how it all fits together. Not like I do. And they certainly don't put together a plan. ... But there's nothing for it, I suppose ... except, of course, a few plans of my own.
[and with that, he'll pick up a fresh notebook, rip out a few pages he doesn't need anymore, and make a few fresh headers.] Time to get to work.
[Scientists Familiar With Human Biology]
It's occurring to me more and more that I can't come to a full comprehension of Paradisa and its wiles until I've got a proper understanding of its inhabitants. Would any of you be willing to answer a few questions on human biology? I've only a rudimentary knowledge, and while it's a start for hypotheses, I'm afraid I'll need a bit more than that.
[satisfied with a proper start to his plan, Five will take up his notebook and go for a walk, in search of a place with a comfy seat near a sunny window. those sort of locations are best suited for research, after all - and anyone is more than welcome to run into him in the process!]
((OOC: Yep, another one affected by Eris' miniplot loss thingie. Have at him!))