✘ thirteenth

Jan 10, 2011 08:41

[ private ]

Oh my god.

Oh. My. God.

What is with them? Better yet, what was I thinking? Ugh! I try to get them to meet, they fight. I get them apart and they still manage to exchange blows in the hallway when I'm not looking. Superior versus Sapien. Seriously, maybe this is some kind of sign. I should just stop getting interested in guys. Happily ever afters only happen in books, right? So even if it's good for awhile, it's still just..

I don't know, I guess maybe I was hoping it could be different this time. I wanted them to get along, but I get it now. It's impossible. Of everything you could have taken away, you couldn't take my powers? I'm always thinking back on what I did to deserve this, like it's some kind of curse. Then I see people who have actually lost them for good back home and they're crushed, they don't know what to do. While they're suffering, all I can think is that I'm always going to be a mutant and this isn't something I can turn off.

All I want to do is look human, to have some sense of normalcy back. And when I think about it like that? I feel selfish. Really really selfish. Especially when I think about the what ifs. If my power never manifested? I never would have met Julian and the Hellions. They accepted me when nobody else would, so why can't I accept myself yet?

.. This is so deep. Am I channeling Josh? Since he lives across the hall or something? Weird.

[ julian and shin ]

[ oh, damn. looks like she scribbled it out so hard that it's no longer legible. better luck next time, boys. about the only thing they can make out? I'm so sorry. ]

[ Paradisa's roof; population one very silver mutant girl. she's perched near the edge of the roof, arms wrapped loosely around her knees so she can still lazily clutch the neck of a fancy looking bottle (one of the silver ones of course) in tow. occasionally she takes a sip out of it but she's mostly paying attention to.. her journal nearby?

okay, she's not really looking at that either. she's got a lot on her mind and kind of missed the memo that the roof? probably isn't the best place to clear your head. whoops! ]

[ooc; OPEN. Bummed mutant is bummed, you know you want to come cheer her up. ALSO. Haha. It's just a fancy flavored bottle of water. It's not like.. she needs to eat or drink. Shhh. Will tag back after I wake up! This is forwarded dated to this afternoon. ]

cessily kincaid

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