Dec 07, 2010 23:56

It's really nice out tonight, isn't it? [crunch crunch crunch. sora and kairi appear to be enjoying the night outside together…]

Yeah, it's beautiful. Everything looks clearer when it's cold out. [And Kairi's eyes are currently skyward, looking at the stars.]

[Sora dares to sneak a quick peek at her… oooh she's so pretty. He scratches the back of his head and quickly looks back up at the sky.] Look at all of the stars… I bet ours is up there somewhere. Our island, I mean.

Hmm, I wonder if we could recognize it from here. [She glances at him too, and then does a mock squint, pointing out a random part of the sky.] Somewhere over there, I bet.

Aaall the way over there, huh? [He shades his eyes with his hand dramatically, leaning in that direction.] … You might have a point! I can almost make out that big old paopu tree from here…

[Above them, there is a very soft flapping noise. Looks like there are some turtledoves coming to take in the view too.]

Uh huh, it's right about.... [She jabs at the sky now.] there. Tilt your head a bit, it gets clearer.

Huh… [Obediently tilts his head… one way, and then another, towards Kairi.] Uh huh! I see it! Man… One good gummi ship and it'd be a straight shot from here!

[somewhere in the town below, a bell starts ringing. oh wait, is that midnight coming?]

kairi, sora

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