21 bullet casings

Dec 07, 2010 22:11

[while some people are bitching left and right about their changes in wardrobe, Eunice is taking hers in relative stride. she's made her way down to the kitchen in a slate-blue dress much like this one, a cookbook to one side, her journal open on the other]

Arright. So. This here's my first official Paradisa Christmas, and while I know a lot of y'all are old hat at this, I figure I might as well still try to get a little bit of home up in here before things start getting weird.

Problem is... I was never the one who did the bakin'.

Anyone out there any good at this sort of thing? I could use some pointers.

[she can slice peaches on her own just fine, though, so until she hears back, she'll be doing just that.]

eunice bloom

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