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[Ashura] leadthedance December 3 2010, 06:15:23 UTC
Into town? Sure! I have some shopping of my own to do for friends, and having a partner would just make it more interesting!


[Gino <3] wishmadeinfire December 3 2010, 06:21:13 UTC
My thoughts exactly. Though I suppose I will have to pick up your gift later.


[Ashura -did you just heart at me?!-] leadthedance December 3 2010, 06:24:20 UTC
Haha, likewise! Unless we were really sneaky and bought things without each other noticing.


[Gino - Yes, yes I did ♥] wishmadeinfire December 3 2010, 06:29:37 UTC
My, are hinting towards your own tactics, Gino? Or is it a clever deception?


[Ashura - Gasp, you rascal!] leadthedance December 3 2010, 06:30:50 UTC
Maybe I am. I'll leave you to decide what that one is.


[Gino - I blame it on all those marshmallows I ate] wishmadeinfire December 3 2010, 06:36:55 UTC
Hmm, I could say the former, but that might be egotistical of me - to think I rank so high in your heart that you have already chosen my gift.


[Ashura - Uh huh. Blame it on the sugar.] leadthedance December 3 2010, 06:49:19 UTC
Or perhaps I've already gotten it! You never know.


[Gino - I thin I shall ~] wishmadeinfire December 3 2010, 06:59:11 UTC
Best hope I do not discover this gift before Christmas then.

[Ho ho, tis a challenge~]


[Ashura] leadthedance December 3 2010, 07:05:05 UTC
I have Friender, Ratchet and Bedivere on guard in my room, so I have top security! You won't be doing any sort of discovering! [why yes, he sounds quite confident.]


[Gino] wishmadeinfire December 3 2010, 07:14:27 UTC
I think between Agni and myself I might manage to discover something ~


[Ashura] leadthedance December 3 2010, 07:16:44 UTC
Oh, don't count on it! Bedivere can keep Agni busy, and I think Friender and Ratchet can stop you in your tracks.


[Gino] wishmadeinfire December 3 2010, 07:29:07 UTC
Oh is that so? Now it really does seem like you are challenging me, Gino.


[Ashura] leadthedance December 3 2010, 07:32:25 UTC
Well, I'll have to make sure my room is well locked in case you take me up on it.


[Gino] wishmadeinfire December 4 2010, 02:01:47 UTC
Looks like it is my turn to keep you guessing.


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