37 ... there are no words

Oct 06, 2010 17:56

[7's spent the past week pouring over the coaster books, and jotting down notes and ideas as she thinks of them, and now she's got her journal in hand and is headed to Shortpack's room to show him her findings. True, she hadn't run any of these by Delta yet, so she wasn't entirely sure that any of it was even feasibly possible, but the more she thought about the whole thing, the more excited she was.]

[That was all about to change, however, as she reaches his room and notices the very distinct lack of nameplate.]

[She's been around long enough to know exactly what that means.]

[There's a moment when she doesn't react other than to stand and stare, but as the full realization hits, she drops the journal grabs her spear, and charges the door.]

[The journal records splintering wood, and a very very very angry stitchpunk, who's too busy attacking the castle the only way she can think of to notice her journal's landed open]



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