9 bullet casings - PSA

May 17, 2010 19:59

[Davina's departure finds Eunice a little more bothered than she thought she'd be, so she's doing what she does every time something like this happens: keeping busy. having flipped through the journals idly a few times, she's come across a common problem, and decided to do a little community service. as such, she's down in the kitchen, tacking a ( Read more... )

eunice bloom, kaikaina 'sister' grif

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encryptedlock May 18 2010, 01:14:33 UTC
[actually laughing here, which is good, it's way better than being depressed]

A peep war is where you get marshmallow chicks - Peeps - and you stick a toothpick into them, put them in the microwave, turn it on, and see which one blows up big enough to "kill" the other one with its toothpick.


f_ck_your_fish May 18 2010, 01:17:16 UTC
Boy, someone had to've been bored as a pig in a dry season to come up with that one.


encryptedlock May 18 2010, 01:18:33 UTC
...You have actually met Sister before, right?


f_ck_your_fish May 18 2010, 01:22:41 UTC
Unfortunately. I'm still trying to regrow the brain cells. [she laughs a little]


encryptedlock May 18 2010, 01:26:40 UTC
So imagine how bored she must have been with life before she discovered sex, drugs, and alcohol. And that's how you get Peep Wars as the natural thing to do with a microwave.


f_ck_your_fish May 18 2010, 15:57:35 UTC
When you put it that way, it makes a disturbin' amount of sense.

Now, who exactly am I apologizin' to for having to have known her so ... extensively?


encryptedlock May 18 2010, 15:58:35 UTC
Freelancer York. I never knew her from back home, but we're from the same world so I was kinda watching out for her until her brother got here.


f_ck_your_fish May 18 2010, 16:00:27 UTC
Freelancer, huh. [jokingly] Is that a rank, or were your parents just that cruel?


encryptedlock May 18 2010, 16:10:30 UTC
Hell no! There's only three people here who know my real name. I just happen to be from New York.


f_ck_your_fish May 18 2010, 16:12:47 UTC
Oh really? Not from there, but I've been enough times to know my way around. Whereabouts in the Big Apple?


encryptedlock May 18 2010, 16:20:18 UTC
Near the spaceport - I'm 26th century.


f_ck_your_fish May 18 2010, 16:22:43 UTC
Spaceport! [whistles] Now that's somethin'. You're about five centuries ahead'a me, York, honey. I'd guess the traffic's still just as bad, but a little higher up in the air?


encryptedlock May 18 2010, 16:39:22 UTC
Actually, it's not as bad? But that's because not everybody's stuck on the same planet anymore. The colonies really gave us room to spread out, you know?


f_ck_your_fish May 18 2010, 18:25:29 UTC
Colonies? In space? ... What, you mean, like in the movies? ... Huh. Never thought we'd really get our shit together that much.


encryptedlock May 18 2010, 18:30:58 UTC
Pretty much. Planets are way less expensive than building stations or habitats, but there are a couple of those, too.

And think about how much the human race can do in five hundred years. It's pretty awesome.


f_ck_your_fish May 18 2010, 18:34:00 UTC
[pauses and does, indeed, think about that]

Considering that five hundred years ago we didn't have indoor plumbin' or mass publishin', let alone the internet or forensic testing? ... You have an excellent point.

Jesus, this place must seem like the Dark Ages to you.


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