Nov 17, 2010 20:31
It seems like my life is starting to begin again.
I'm most happy to say, that after 4 years together, Nancy and I have finally reach the level of love and trust I had always hoped for. I find the growth was caused not only by the birth of my gorgeous son- Severyn- last year on November 28, but also because I was willing to commit myself more to her and her willingness to trust me, since I have shown my desire to truly be with her. Additionally, Severyn has been a binding for both of us- a symbol of our love and a product of it as well. Also there was the time apart this year due to housing problems. While I had my place in Lougheed- Nancy couldn't stay there, so when we lost our place, she went to a womens' shelter and later a second stage housing unit through the YWCA called Crabtree.
Now we are both on the same page, trusting and loving each other, combining our future, and becoming a real family.
I'm so happy for us and know this will be the last time we fall- my hope lies in moving to the island and living in beach cabin- which would cost about $500.00 a month, since it's rather rural. Hopefully by that time I will be on disability, just as Nancy is, and the prospect of living in the middle of nowhere will be nice, since there is no need to worry about getting to work. I plan to teach Severyn myself, since I am fully qualified to do so. I just want to get away from society completely. I no longer care to be a part of it. That's why I quit my job- I couldn't stand to be a part of this ugly system which exploits and rapes society and the world. Capitalism has been holding us back as a whole- and while I realize as 1 person i cannot change it, as long as I play by its rules, I'm in effect saying it's all okay.
it's time we all accept responsibility for our world. As long as you work for a company or corporation, or even a small business that takes advantage and attempts to profit, you are in a sense harming to society. Just as Nike sweatshops are harming children in the 3rd world- ANY employee, or supporter, or consumer of Nike is also agreeing to that abuse and is a part of that chain of abuse.
Of course, Western Society is both ignorant and unable to admit guilt- these childish ideals are not going to change the truth of the matter. As long as there is money and we are all capitalist, we are a virus onto the world. Watch as we are stagnant- there has been 0 growth for the past 30 years, because they are all so concerned about money.