Meme for Guide! (um, the guy, not the doll...)

Nov 04, 2009 17:53

* Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."

* I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity

* Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions. (I'll also answer more, if asked.)

1. If you were waiting for me to arrive at an airport or a bus stop, what would you expect me to be wearing if I hadn't told you what to look for? ;)
a t-shirt with some kind of superhero on it, black trench, black pants. if it's cold, Gears of War beanie.

2. What was the best meal you have ever had?
mmmm... Trident Bookseller Cafe's Eggs Benedict -- poached eggs on thick pieces of toast with avocado slices instead of Canadian Bacon or ham, and hold the hollandaise sauce -- accompanied by an incredible Darjeeling tea lightly sweetened and a tall, cold glass of water.

3. If you could buy one luxury item of any kind from anywhere in the world, what would it be, and why?
o.O damn, ask the hard questions why don't you? *laughs* um... a fullset Volks Unoss Aika, complete with horns and demon eye, fabric to make her clothes and boots, and wig. why? because she's my impossible grail doll. she was the very first female doll i saw and fell in love with. i'd even settle for the doll alone. but having all the bits would be wonderful, too.

4. You get a super power. What would it be?
my own personal tesseract.

5. What is your favourite word? :D
according to my coworkers? EVIL! in all honesty, though... my favorite words are color descriptives: vermillion, veridian and sinople.


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