Jun 30, 2007 22:58
it's a little before 11pm, and the house is quiet. i'm not sure if Sean is still up or not. so i sit here, listening to Howl's Moving Castle and drinking hot green tea, relaxing and waiting for sleep to come. Kaoru kneels atop a book on my scanner, balanced on his cloth body. i'm not sure how he feels about his hair being braided, but i felt bad about how messy it was becoming. i'm sure he's happier about that than he is about the continued wearing of the Illegally Cute Dress angel made. he's so cute... he needs eyelashes. i want a pair of lovely soft ones for him. i just wish i knew where to find them.
Sehti remains in pieces, although he is at least partially strung right now, as his torso has been scarred at hip socket and shoulder socket, and blushing done. i'm working on designing his tattoo, and that will be applied later. tomorrow, angel will help me airbrush his limbs.
it's strange, the things that give us a feeling of triumph. a bit of quiet time and tea make me happy, content. i'm not even bothered by listening to Kuma trash my closet, although I'll go boot him soon enough if he doesn't stop.
Kaoru, my Kaoru... he's such a sweetie. i wish his body were here.
tired now, and out of tea. oyasumi nasai, minna-san.