Alphabetized CDs, twitch, twitch...

Feb 15, 2009 23:13

Well, my parents stopped by to visit this morning and install some much needed shelving in my room!  I now am the proud owner of a huge, wonky knick knack shelf above my closet doors, and some lovely CD wall shelving!  I finally unpacked all the boxes of CDs and alphabetized everything!  WHEEEE!  Yeah.  Next step, organizing each band's CDs chronologically!  Double WHEEEE!  ;)

One thing people maybe don't realize about me is that with some things (cleaning and organization especially) I can actually be quite OCD.  Seemingly counter to that is the fact i am an awful, lazy slob.  However, a therapist i once talked to said she still thought i might be undiagnosed OCD.  Apparently OCD and hoarding are actually fairly close on the psychological spectrum of things, according to her.  Fairly interesting, i thought.  I do tend to be more on the hoarder side of things.  And basically with me and cleaning...if i start something i will go ALL THE WAY.  We are talking deep, bleach the surface off the counters type thing.  It always takes me what seems like about 5 times longer than any normal person to get cleaning projects done because it has to be done right.  This is why i don't clean.  Because i hate cleaning, and it takes me for-fucking-ever.  the only time this isn't the case is at work, because it is such a mess all the time, and i have ceased to care enough to clean things that thoroughly.  Anyhow, the same goes for organizing.  Yes, my CDs have actually been in boxes for over a year, but i got them all unpacked and alphabetized in a day.  I rock!
Now the only thing concerning me is that it seems my collection looks a little bit scantier than it should...i can't think of whats missing though.  Hopefully a whole box of CDs didn't get left behind somewhere!  If thats the case i'll figure out what is missing eventually.  Hopefully.  Heh.

My parents also brought me one of their old record players!  Woot woot!  It works well as far as i can tell, and now i can listen to most of my records, with the exception of the 78s.  Eventually when i (theoretically) have more money i'll have to buy one of those fancy schmancy turntables that play the 78s...i think some of the new DJ turntables do.

On a totally musically unrelated note, I've been getting a lot of reading done, which i am proud of myself for.  I just finished The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton.  I read 1-3 of the Tokyo Babylon mangas over the past 2 days which i borrowed from my friend thedogofsputnik .  I am getting quite close to finishing Micheal Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma.  Up next i've got some Phillip K Dick goodness, The Simulcra, and maybe Peeps by Scott Westerfeld.  I'm proud of myself, since sometimes i feel like i don't read often enough.  Illiterate I'm certainly not, just that i don't remember to take enough time out of my normal life for reading sometimes, as well that i sometimes have difficulty focusing.  For these reasons i have grown to love graphic novels over the years, since generally they are only an hour or two read, and the images help pull me in and sharpen the focus for my visual oriented mind.

Well, that's whats up with me!  Whassup wit choo, foos?

alphabetization, cds, reading, organization, vinyl, record player, cd, music, books, alphabetized, records

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