Sep 24, 2004 17:30
so im going to break up with my boyfriend this week. hes to emo for me and i dont dig his girl hair and we just dont have the fling. but i still want to go to homecoming with him and its not because hes going to feed me, its because...okay its because he going to feed me. hahah that would be sooo mess up.
but my homecoming dress is dazziling purple and it is shinny as your grandmothers panties. hahah i know you are picturing your grandmothers panties right now!
but im still grounded and everything but i think it will be over by sunday. i hope so.
and by the way i still work at carline and research. so woot woot for money. i know i know i said i hate that job but i really need money and i go back to work tomorrow and i might go on a off job sight, so that would be fun. not!!
but lazzer