Feb 09, 2011 17:42
Yaaay me! Made it!! Less than 15 minutes I was out having coffee with my friend Andrew. I started to feel blunted, tired, "dry", annoyed, and confused. Then my vision got blurry. Time to bail! It's the first day of moon time and I, like an idiot, ate a whole bunch of chedacorn this morning (msg a go-go) The worst part of migraines is when they hit in public. It's not so much the visual disturbances that are a problem, it's when I loose speech capability (which happens very rarely). There's nothing worse than trying to get home and praying, dear gawd praying!, you don't bump into someone you know or a stranger tries to speak to you. I've ended up having ambulances called on me because I couldn't communicate that it was just a migraine. I took a 222 then, am relaxed and drinking a ton of water now, and haven't seen any lights yet. I still feel like one is near, but hopefully I've warded it off. The important thing is, I'm home safe and sound :)