Nov 01, 2008 03:42
>> Also, Hyakko is the show of the year.
>> I think you misspelled Code Geass
XD oh /a/ why you so crazy?
I've started reading Twilight. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be. But then again, I'm only four chapters in so far. There were a few painful parts but they were bearable, for now. It's about time I've read something at least a little more substantial than manga I think. I do readings for english class, but that doesn't count because if I don't do those, I can't do my homework. :P And the readings for the class are kinda depressing sometimes.
My cousin was telling me that guys at her school like Twilight. Guys....?! High school guys? I dunno. I just can't see it. Ha ha. I'm kinda looking forward to the movie even though I haven't finished the book yet. But just cuz I think Kristen Stewart is kinda hot. ;)
Halloween was pretty uneventful. I came home to our box that was holding the candy empty on our driveway (we just set it outside the door with a note saying to take two pieces) and candy wrappers strewn over our front steps. Lovely. I had hoped that kids would know what decent behavior is at the least. But that might be asking for too much from the future of humanity.