Things to go.

Dec 12, 2010 12:51

Prompt: 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Sam Davidson)

Reading this prompt left me rebellious. I purged this year! There was packing, and deciding what to keep, and moving across the country! And I have come up with all sorts of things that I need here, or want and can justify, and I don't have 11 things to get rid of.

AND I've been creating space in my life! Thinking about ways to open myself up to some of the things I've had to do without, because life's been crazy, and so I'm thinking about new experiences, groups, habits that I need! I could come up with 11 things that I want to bring into my life. Maybe.

But I do, I'm sure, have things I can do without. Should do without.
  • The remaining still-packed boxes.
  • Neighbor angst.
  • Clothes I haven't worn in ages.
  • The pile of books that need a home that isn't mine.
  • Habits of not cooking.
  • And not baking.
  • The shoes that I've worn through the sole and footbed.
  • Living like this is temporary (it may be, but it's not a good way to live).
  • The mountains of paper in my office.
  • The bags of soda cans in my trunk that really need to find their way to a recycling center (that I have yet to locate).
  • Stretches without time outside.
It's a start.

I'm playing along with Reverb10... a prompt for each day of December. Join us!

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