Trading wisdom in?

Dec 12, 2010 12:41

Prompt: Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? (Susannah Conway)

I've seen people wondering about the wisdom of their decisions this year, and if it's possible to know if you were wise in such a short time frame, and what wisdom we can see from this vantage point, and how you'd know it if you'd had it, and what is wisdom, anyway? And I'm there.

But I'm really having a more fundamental problem -- when I look back at my year, I don't really see big decisions. I mean, I make lots of little decisions -- breakfast would never happen otherise -- but most of the big changes this year seemed to be more the culmination of things that were set in motion ages ago, pebbles gaining momentum. Or choosing the one reasonable option. I mean, OK, there's a point where I said yes, but was there ever real question? The waiting, the anticipation doesn't match with calling it that -- it was looking for that opportunity.

And I can point out some un-wise choices I've made. Which are generally walking arm and arm with procrasintation. So there's a lesson there. But that's the inverse of the prompt.

So I don't know. Maybe we notice that little decisions matter, too? Maybe we go forward into the new year with an ambition to notice and own decisions, whatever the flavor? I'm not sure. But ambiguity I get, and I'm comfortable there. And I *do* think wisdom almost always needs more distance and perspective, and is it something I really aspire to anyway?

I'm playing along with Reverb10... a prompt for each day of December. Join us!

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