Let Go.

Dec 05, 2010 14:37

Prompt: Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Alice Bradley)

I don't know. I know that I relinquished a lot of things this year; moving half-way across the country (again) will do that do to you. I also gave up grad-student-hood, in all of the ways that is good and bad. But the agency of that seems different that what's being asked in the prompt.

When I read the prompt, the idea of "letting go" that forms in my head is deciding, indpendent of other circumstances, that I am done with ____, and moving on. This year felt very much more about riding long in the current of changes that yes, I had set in motion, but when you're swept up in it all, a couple of months later, it doesn't really seem that way.

And there's something to the balancing act between clinging to things too long, and fighting the current, and severing all ties. And I feel like I did a reasonable job of navigating that this year. Not that everything's quite where I'd like it to be -- I've not kept in touch as much as I'd like to, and there are threads I've left dangling. And so while the verb works, "letting go" ... the connotation doesn't match. So what did I let go fo this year? Many things, nothing, or maybe things I have so thuroughly let go of I'm not remembering now. How do you read it?

I'm playing along with Reverb10... a prompt for each day of December. Join us!

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