I finally get to read Watchmen. I thought for sure it would be on hold until after I got back from Chicago, which would have sucked, because the band is going to see it on the 6th while we’re finishing the last foot (not quite a leg) of the tour. But it arrived on Thursday and I’m going to spend the rest of today packing and reading it. Oh, and grocery shopping. Well, shit, at least I can sleep on the ten hour drive to Illinois tomorrow.
I’m excited for our last show, not just because it’s our last show, but because we’re having a band with strings and horns sit in with us on a few songs, which sounds like it’s going to be brilliant, as quite a few songs off of the album have orchestration (of course, then it had been done with friends from high school or synth). So yay, exciting prospects and only being gone for a week and probably staying in a hotel all or most of the time. And yay for Chris coming out to the last show. Brilliant.
In other traveling news, the brilliant and beautiful
apetulantrose has invited Chris and I out to Jersey and thusly NYC to see Watchmen (again) an d Yatterman, I think it is, the weekend of March 21, and I really want to go. I’ve been to New York a bunch of times, practically lived there for a little while, but I’ve never had time to just bum around the city, so it would be nice staying with Rose, since she lives an hour or so away from it by train. I really want to see her again, and I just got my (final) refund check from Point Park, so I’m thinking we’re going to go for it. I need to get her a housewarming gift, though, and I don’t know what. She already has all kinds of neat kitchenware. and that’s my forte, so I may actually have to venture out to IKEA tonight and look around for ideas. Or I could just make her another swell scarf or a pair of earrings (read: what I do in my free time).
I’ve also got the Moz concert on March 17, and you have no idea how happy that makes me in my pants, and brain, and every other part of my body that I would let Morrissey make happy (all of them).
At some point, I’ll eventually stop.
You know, or not.
But for all that excitement, right now I’m just sitting in the library waiting to hear from Chris to see whether or not I should bus downtown and meet him there or just chill at the library for him to come pick me up (and I am sincerely hoping it’s the latter; it’s 17 degrees outside and I didn’t realize this until I was, um, out the door. Quite cold). Truth be told, they move that poor boy around so much at work, I’ve got no idea what local his new building is in. It’s the new Children’s Hospital, I know that much, but I’ve got no idea where that is. +laugh+ I hope it’s near Oakland, I’d hate to make him take an extra trip just to come get me.
Oh, and on a final note, I’ve finally found my thinspiration: the lovely and talented Regina Spektor, who looks something like if you smashed mine, my mother’s, and my father’s mother’s heads together and wiped away the blood:
Me +
my mom, Lynda (super un-flattering image alert; my mom hates posing for pictures...)
+ my paternal grandmother, Sheila (circa 1956, and yes, that is an anaconda, welcome to my life)
= Regina
That is all.