"Five Reasons Owen Harper Waters Plants", Torchwood, Owen gen

Jan 28, 2008 14:52

Title: Five Reasons Owen Harper Waters Plants
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Owen; Suzie, Gwen, Ianto, Tosh
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Genre: Gen
Spoilers: Teeniest spoilers for Sleeper.
Summary: Five drabbles. Does what it says on the tin.
Author’s Notes: My second favourite part of Sleeper was Owen randomly spraying plants with water through a ( Read more... )

character: gwen cooper, character: suzie costello, character: ianto jones, character: toshiko sato, tv show: torchwood, type: gen, character: owen harper

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Comments 36

such_heights January 28 2008, 15:11:43 UTC
Aw, Owen! This is very lovely, and very fitting. Layers, indeed.


paperclipbitch January 28 2008, 15:26:47 UTC
Thank you :) I'm loving what season two is doing with Owen, let's hope they can keep it up!



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paperclipbitch January 28 2008, 15:27:48 UTC
Owen/Suzie is an OTP of mine, not entirely sure why...

Oh, that would be so cool. An Owen/Ianto bodyswap would be so awesome!

Thanks for reading sweetie.



...because Owen and Suzie makes sense? hohaiyee September 14 2009, 00:18:08 UTC
Cynical professionals. They might both be cynical like hell but they actually do their jobs instead of just 'emoting'.


macphista January 28 2008, 15:45:01 UTC
AAAHH THIS WAS LOVELY. As far as I'm concerned, your Owen is canon. :D


paperclipbitch January 28 2008, 15:48:25 UTC
Thank you :D I'd like him to be, I'm very attached to my boy, so here's hoping the show continues to be lovely to him!



macphista January 28 2008, 15:51:04 UTC
If the show is not good to him, we most definitely will. Well, you more than me. You'll write him and I'll pet him from afar, but you get my drift. ;)


paperclipbitch January 28 2008, 15:55:22 UTC
The petting from afar is always important! Owen needs love because so many people are evil and mean to him. :(


entangled_now January 28 2008, 15:50:30 UTC
I love these little snapshots of Ianto and Owen that used to pop up occasionally! And you're so good at flinging out motivations to go with what you see on screen.

I like 1 and 4 best of all, oh Owen!


paperclipbitch January 28 2008, 16:07:20 UTC
I really can't help myself. If I'm writing with Owen, Ianto always pops up, I can't stop him!

Thank you so much sweetie *grins* I like vulnerable!Owen, I think I shall have to play with him more...



entangled_now January 28 2008, 18:47:59 UTC
I like vulnerable!Owen, I think I shall have to play with him more...

Vote of win!


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paperclipbitch January 28 2008, 16:13:25 UTC
I'm particularly fond of the "substitute for integrity" line myself ;)

Thank you so much sweetie!



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