This idea for a story popped into my head while trying to work on
spn_gen_bigbang today, and oh god, I do not need this right now! Because it's all new and shiny when the story I should be working on is sounding like crap! That's not even the worst part: this new one is RPS ... J2 RPS ... I don't write RPS! I don't even write Het. And up until a couple of months ago, I refused to even read J2, either! But now I like, really need this story!
So, has anybody read a J2 fic where they grew up childhood best friends before drifting off and being reduced to christmas cards and bi-yearly phone calls, and then one of the boys is arrested for murder and the other one just happens to be a lawyer, who flies in to save the day? Please, please send me the link so I don't have to write this myself and inevitably screw it up to get it out of my head!