i'm happy just to dance with youuu

Mar 16, 2010 18:00

I've compiled a list of qualities that I fancy in a boy


-creative  we would ~understand eachother hahah I have no other way to put this. Someone who isn't would just be a pain to be around.

-plays guitar/bass doesn’t really matter to me

- sings, or attempts to and isn’t embarrassed most adorable thing ever

- whitty I'm fast at comebacks, he'd better be too if he wants to keep up

- willing to share clothes over half of all the shirts in my closet are from the boys' departments. They are so much cuter than girls' ones.

- loves his family my family means so much to me <333 boys who love their moms are the best kind

- quirky lets be dorky together and blast music while we dance around like freaks, scream sing, and attract attention to ourselves in public for fun

- loves music duh

- likes to cuddle <333

- spontaneous I don't like making plans anyway

- intelligent not book smarts per-say, but smart in the areas that interest him

- will protect me at concerts I usually get crushed :( be a man and protect

- no drugs/smoking another obvious one. I think its adorable if they quit whatever bad habits they were into when they were younger <3

- hygienic hahaha I am so OCD.  I'm always washing my hands. Feet scare me.

- drinks coffee I dunno why this sticks out in my mind, but coffee is a comfort to me (I sound like a smoker)

- awkward smile adorable

- optimistic (aka cheerful disposition) I CAN'T STAND when people are negative about EVERYTHING. I'm positive about 99% of everything I do

- makes funny faces people take life too seriously. get over it.

- gives nice hugs hugging is the best. it's such an innocent gesture of love

- holds my hand the best. I hate public affection that belongs in the bedroom, holding hands is cute, and not creepy


I'm being moved from Multicultural Arts next quarter to Advanced Art Independant Study. I feel like such a grown up. I'll be able to do whatever I want and work on digital art in CLASS <3

I have so much stuff planned for myself to do next quarter!

1. Self-portrait. Beatles inspired (of course, what else?)
2. We the Kings art. Not of the band themselves though. The lead singer has it tattooed on his arm, I wanna paint it or something, it's such a pretty scene

I actually thought I had more stuff than this hahaha OH WELL

that self-portrait is gonna keep me busy, I can tell :I


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