Jan 23, 2017 12:27
Sometimes, I feel like I am 2 steps away from falling over the edge. Today's thought is that I was going to contact my one-night stand guy...don't judge me lol. I am only thinking about it because it would be simple and easy rather than going through the motions of finding someone real. My sister signed me up for this app because she says contacting Chad would be really retarded. The policy is that we never go back, we keep moving forward...I have needs though. That's no excuse. Le sigh.
In other news, I'm moving in the right direction at work. I'm going to write blogs about tips for communicating better with others as well as an e-mail series that will (hopefully) draw more clients/prospects into using our assessments. We have all these test for training, hiring, interviewing, and the like. At the moment, they're just sitting here or being passed around freely. I've been getting certified in administering these tests and it'd be nice to draw more people in to take them. I'd love to move from taking notes & studying to using the test & explaining what the results mean.
So here's what I've discovered about me...I'm literally two seconds away from texting Chad, but the angel on my shoulder keeps making me put the phone down. At the moment, I'm doing better at work than I am in my personal life. I'm taking that as a win :)