Winfried Fluck (1944--) The Man Who Became Weary of America: (2002)

Oct 22, 2022 00:07

Ferdinand Kürnberger's Novel Der Amerika-Müde (1855)
...In Kürnberger's view, American democracy is built on the Enlightenment assumption that political freedom will automatically liberate human reason. In contrast, Kürnberger regards the political system as a context in which human potential can develop--but will not automatically do so. Culture therefore has to become the agent of Veredlung (ennoblement) and the refusal of American culture to even attempt this must be seen as a disastrous mistake which deserves the strongest condemnation.

Образование, США, Эволюция систем, Кюрнбергер, Стили мышления, Причины, Культура

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