Wednesday, 28 August 1946
HERR GEORG BÖHM (Counsel for the SA): … Jüttner's testimony, as well as the affidavits of Hörauf and Freund, point to the fact that the Supreme Leadership of the SA maintained close relations
with British and French circles for the purpose of forming a Western Pact, up to the moment when it was eliminated from politics. I have proved that the SA received financial assistance from abroad in connection with these negotiations; furthermore, I have shown that in 1932 the Leadership of the SA was actually engaged in negotiations with German Government circles for a coalition against Hitler. I have proved that from a political point of view there existed three deliberate trends as regards foreign policy, just as I also indicated that the eastern and the western trends were mutually opposed. In this connection, may I refer to the following sentence spoken by the British Prosecution according to the transcript of 31 July 1946. I quote:
"If the German side could show that the British Government had given economic assistance to the SA in order to bring it into power, subject to the condition that Röhm were placed in control, the Defense would, indeed, have considerably advanced its own case, because it is obvious that the Government of 1946 could not join in the trial against the SA if it had supported the SA in 1934."
The affidavit submitted by Hörauf, however, shows clearly and unequivocally that the negotiations carried on between Anglo-French political quarters and the SA Leadership in those days were, indeed, perfectly obvious. I have furthermore shown that the contacts with British and French quarters represent a clue to the events of 1934.
...Röhm intended to dissolve the SS. This is proved by the affidavit of former SA Brigadefuhrer Freund. Röhm's endeavor to achieve the consolidation of the Central European area by way of negotiations with the Western Powers is connected with this new State which was to be created. It has been shown that these negotiations had been under way for a number of years (Jüttner's testimony, Freund's affidavit).
...Röhm's attempt failed. In addition, differences with the Reichswehr also contributed to his downfall. The 30th of June 1934 was the result of this development. The first attempt to eliminate Hitler's dictatorship definitely failed. More than 200 SA leaders were shot. Since that time Heinrich Himmler reigned behind the scenes in Germany.