Encyclopedia of Psychology Alan E. Kazdin, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

Feb 13, 2020 13:20

INFANCY: Emotions and Temperament

...It could be that certain temperamental attributes themselves facilitate an infant’s cognitive performance. Infants who are motivated and persistent are likely to approach cognitive tasks more constructively than infants with more negative or distractible dispositions. Possessing an attentive and resolute temperament may be key to doing well, independent of pure cognitive ability. Because parents and other caregivers are likely to interact more positively and creatively with infants who have positive, persistent, and somewhat active temperamental styles. these characteristics could also indirectly foster cognitive performance because the social responses they promote are development - enhancing.

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The definition and consensual opinion about individual features of temperament are that they are biologically based.

Early Experience and Socialization

Infancy is often considered a period of beginnings, formative influences, and susceptibility to early experiences that can optimize or blunt inborn potential. Yet historically and in contemporary psychological theory, there has been considerable diversity in how important early experiences are regarded for later development. Throughout most of Western civilization (and in some contemporary societies) high infant mortality and grinding poverty made survival the essential task of infancy. Consequently, there was little interest in how early influences shape personality. Regard for their importance has emerged with improvements in health care, greater economic well-being, and the growth of individualism and romantic sentiment (especially concerning childhood and parenting) as values in modern culture.

encyclopedia of psychology

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