Me: The Assorted Pack

Jul 29, 2008 10:12

1. Last night I think was the first time I ever made it through a pack of dental floss. Woo! I've got that New Year's resolution down!

2. I haven't gone for a bike ride in over a week now. I rolled my ankle during my daily walk at lunch last Friday and it smarted like hell! I took three days off from jogging, went back to it yesterday and friggin' rolled it again. Grrraaah!! It wasn't too bad this time, but it was enough to slow me down for a bit.

I guess I'll take a break from it again. I won't have a lot of time to work out this week anyway. Trey's mom and stepdad are coming to visit Thursday, so we'll be busy with them until Sunday. I don't think he really has anything planned for them; I may have to come up with some ideas. And no, I'm not too nervous about her coming. She really liked me when she first met me, and back then I was hungover with hardly any make up and about to friggin' puke after eatting dinner (he cooking was great, I just puke a lot with the mega-hangovers.

3. The REAL nerve-racking visit is next week, when dear ol' Dad comes to town. He's already pissed that he can't stay in the only nice hotel in Bremerton by the waterfront. He's shackin' up at either the Oyster Bay Inn or the Flagship Motel. Hurr hurr hurr...

4. Google maps made a new map showing all the earthquakes in the world over the last week and their magnitudes. There was a 4.2 earthquake of the coast of Oregon yesterday. Scaaaaaaaaary!
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