Regional studies components of media education orphans in support speech therapy

Dec 03, 2013 19:49

Chernousova, O. Latyshev. CSA Voronezh region "Boarding school № 1 for orphans and children left without parental care"
International Academy of children and youth tourism and study of local region named after Alexander Ostapets-Sveshnikov

Electing tourist-local research activities as a means of proper socialization of orphans, we proceed from the understanding that make the process interesting and effective for all participants will help us in media education technology. Nearly a decade in the Voronezh boarding school № 1 for orphans and children left without parental care, was well directed experimental work on introduction to the educational process of information technology. They were also seen by us as a significant component of the residential institution for socialization. Socialization - a process that plays a huge role in the life of society and in the life of the individual. The success of the socialization depends on how a person by learning generated in the culture values and norms of behavior, to engage with partners, was able to realize their talents, inclinations, lives in a socially comfortable and safely. Children living in a family, the parents have a great help through extensive interaction with all elements of society in shaping personality traits that contribute to the successful socialization of adolescents. By working with orphans, children in boarding institutions, is normally held by government programs, tailored to the individual characteristics of the psychophysiological contingent especial crucial task. Disappointing statistics about those who grows up and leaves the children's homes and boarding schools. Each year, tens of thousands of orphans out of orphanages in adult life, and most of them are poorly adapted to the life. Within the institution students do not feel any problems, their expectations are clouded and are designed to further help and care of the state. Life outside the graduates of educational institutions highlights the problems they face, they can not always resolve on their own. This applies not only to the part of their way of life, attitudes to work, maintain their health, organization of leisure time, the experience of creating a family and raising children, but it plays a big role and the ability to communicate properly build suggestions, questions, or express their thoughts. Extending the range of the socialization of pupils boarding, we turned to physical culture, sport, tourism, local history, museum education, arts education, eventually line up in a logical chain of successive socializing agents. We proceed from the belief that the main rallying point will still be performing media education. The motive for the occurrence of this conviction was known universal media education in terms of coverage of subjects of the educational process, supply of educational material, the classification of media objects, etc. Along with this, we were impressed that in the process of media education as input in the design and research, and in summing up the results of its media education is equally important. Indeed, the ability to give the pupils a carefully selected material, including vivid, meaningful and memorable media objects, further responds high quality counter the flow of information, which is organized by the students according to their own vision. Films seen pupils, will impose a serious mark on films shot and edited by the children themselves. Pictures of professional photographers in abundance are the children through the internet search engines are also able to make even the initial submission of the young tourists and local historians about the cultural and historical heritage deployed. Since our children are not limited to the role of researchers, collectors, video operators and sponsors local studies sites, we offer them and other possible forms of self-realization in this area of activity. For example, interviews with scientists, culture and education on topics that are relevant to our chosen direction of design and research. But when the idea of forming the subject of research - and a guide to the work of their peers. And in fact, and in other cases, beautiful, correct and clearly built it. This component we also pay much attention. And that we, again, considerable assistance has media education. Thus, in particular, increasing the capacity of the provincial even online channels created to download a large number of educational videos. Among other things, it allowed to get acquainted with the lessons of the leading speech therapists, to adopt new methods of correction and voice work to expand the range of exercises that can help young journalists, tour guides, as well as managers of museums, we also intend to prepare to support the widening project of research and Experimental and innovation. The effectiveness of corrective training work in this direction is determined by the degree of self-definition in children, the correct load distribution and continuity in the work of all teachers and specialists institutions.The main direction of speech therapists - to create conditions conducive to the study, correction and further development of pupils with speech to their successful adaptation to the surrounding society. You must create a set of activities aimed at overcoming dezadaptacion conditions of children living in a boarding school, prepare them for the future, successful adult life. These types of work carried out in our boarding school № 1 for the orphans of the Voronezh region. A variety of trips for children to museums, theaters, sporting events, etc. to help children socialize cultural life, "Birthday with friends" (friends, guests, sponsors), "A Time for tea" (a trip to the family of employees, veterans), " school of young tour guides "," School of young journalists "and other events held in the boarding school № 1, help develop a coherent speech of children, learn the culture of communication with representatives from various walks of life and with different people of different ages. EA Bayer notes, "and the physical and intellectual capacity, adequately developed in the chosen direction of activity, complements this growing ability to communicate not only with other students or members of different ages tourist unit (circle section). But with many years of experience wiser people who have found the time to work with start-tourists ". [1]What is "social integration"? Should look like socialized man who grew up in a state institution? In terms of speech therapy, socially adapted, successfully integrated into society graduate - is:1. Educated (by virtue of their individual peculiarities of development):- Having a clean, smooth, without defects zvukoproiznosheniya speech;- Who knows how to properly construct sentences, to dialogue;- Lack of agrammatism and words-parasites in speech;- Knows how to correctly and beautifully written, a quick read;- Knowing the basic rules of the Russian language and knows how to apply them in practice. 2. Sociable:- Who can "develop" new contacts outside the orphanage;- Knowing and applying the basic rules of communication;- Who knows how to properly and adequately communicate (seamlessly and efficiently) with people regardless of the situation and the nature of the interlocutor;- Knowing the features of his personality and aspiring to a deeper self-knowledge;- Is capable of empathy and reflection.These two components are the indicator of successful socialization of children with speech therapy, "speech" point of view. This is the perfect image of the graduate. As speech therapists, we are "close" each pupil to this "ideal". The sooner this happens, the faster and easier child who lives in a boarding school or out of the walls, will socialize and integrate into society. To implement speech therapy tasks developed an entire system of work, which is based on:
● theoretical knowledge about the ontogeny of the child;
● methodological approaches to learning, based on the development of local psychologists and speech therapists (Vygotsky, LS, PY Galperin, Luria, RJ Lalaeva, RI Efimenkova IN, AV Yastrebova etc.);
● practical experience, allowing the right to choose from a variety of methods and techniques needed for the individual child. This system becomes clear if we consider it in the following areas and activities:
1. Organizational.
2. Diagnostic.
3. Correction and Development.
4. Consultative and educational.
5. Scientific and methodological.
6. Prevention.
We would like to elaborate on the correction and development work of the speech therapist, as this activity is basic, basic to accomplish the task - the child's socialization. The first direction is a proper education, a beautiful speech. This will help to accomplish the task:
• To develop and improve fine motor skills of the hands. Probably everyone has heard the expression "mind of a child is at his fingertips." It really is science-based, language development depends on the development of fine motor skills.
• Develop articulation motility (static, dynamic organization of movements, switching movements, volume, speed, accuracy, coordination).Speech therapy session is customary to begin with the articulation exercises. And the experience verified that much better to do it with games, playing patterns.
• Create pronunciation skills. Correction of the pronunciation of sounds is the main task in speech therapy activities. This work consists of several stages.
1. Stage productions sound.
2. Phase of automation sound syllables.
3. Phase of automation sound in words.
4. Phase of automation audio phrases, sentences.
5. Phase of automation sound in connected speech.
6. Stage of differentiation of the mixed sounds.
7. Step fixing sound in speech.
Each phase takes a certain amount of time. And each child, he has a different duration. Someone all the work with the sound takes a few lessons, but someone is stretched to six months, a year. It should be noted especially the work with children living in the orphanage. First, it is the time of remedial work - increased, the timing correction (as already observed in children living in a family setting stages, automation, differentiation often go much quicker). In addition, when working with orphans, not often, but there were regressive status - when working with sound, it would seem, have been completed, after a certain period of time, this speech defect "bubbles" again.• Develop phonemic processes, skills, sound analysis and synthesis. This work is best done by using visual-method. The game and the game moments here also bring huge benefits.
• enrich and develop the child's vocabulary. Vocabulary of children living in institutions is very poor, limited the scope of everyday consumer topics. Their speech is devoid of words of different grammatical categories. It is therefore necessary to replenish the vocabulary of children participles, gerunds, adverbs, complex prepositions, subordinate conjunctions.
• Improve the lexical and grammatical language facilities to develop skills connected speech.In this case, the work is to enhance and enrich, refine child's vocabulary, inflection, word-formation, the development of a connected part of the question.
• Adjust dysgraphia, dyslexia.
Remedial work to develop and overcome deficiencies in reading, writing and given special attention, as this problem almost all gifted children. Many errors occur in children under virtually all types of writing, reading rate is very low. To overcome these difficulties, we conduct remedial speech therapy work with students to develop the program for each age group. Classes are also practical orientation - Game time paid much attention. Considered remedial speech therapy work, despite some specificity, based on the general pedagogical principles:
1. The principle of development, which is in charge of the process of analysis of the objective and subjective conditions for the formation of the speech function of the child.
2. The principle of a systematic approach, which involves the analysis of various components of speech.
3. The principle of speech communication with other parties of mental development, which reveals the dependence of the formation of individual components of the speech on the state of other mental processes.
4. The principle of clarity.
5. The principle of progressive complexity of the material.
6. The principle of consciousness learning.
7. The principle of age-appropriate.
Given the characteristics of children living in the orphanage, the most effective way of working with them is a game. All correctional work is carried out by means of didactic games and exercises. We use a variety of hardware (computer, video, speech therapy sessions on the use of presentations, etc.), and also used DVD drive - the application to the textbook "Russian language" 1.2 grade, "literary reading" 1.2 class ( by GEF).The second direction in speech therapy activities for social skills education for orphans and children left without parental care, is the formation of communicative skills. Necessary to teach the child to communicate. And the circle of social communications boarding schools pupils can not be limited ¸ classmates and teachers. According to VN Ilyin, "The development of the ability to communicate with cultural workers, authorities and the clergy will lead to the development of communication skills in general, and as a result, will increase the level of socialization of students and graduates. Ability to conduct tours in the regional, and then in federal museums hold the audience's attention, cultural and civilized reflect its needs, in turn, will result in the alignment of children's self-esteem to an adequate level, which also can make the route socialization positively saturated "[8] .Communication between people - a highly complex and delicate process. Inefficiency in communication may be associated with a complete or partial absence of a communicative skill, for example, the ability to navigate and to behave in a particular situation. It may be caused by insufficient self-control, for example, because of the inability to cope with the excitement impulsivity, aggression, etc. Unfortunately, in practice, these problems occur in children who are brought up in a boarding school. After all, in fact, the specific conditions in these institutions often cause not only mental retardation of children in a number of critical parameters, but "loose" language development, in particular - communication skills. But here there was a need for regular students to leave school for passing the training school of the young guide. As a consequence, according to the EV Pilyugin, "the process of formation of communicative skills in children-orphans had the opportunity of accelerated development, which, in turn, significantly extended our boarding students on the forms and ways of dealing with people, not one of the boarding staff, and representing the cultural elite of the community In other conditions, such as children, there is a reduced initiative, poverty arsenal of means of communication, they do not meet the needs and motives, expressive facial means of communication is also quite poor and monotonous, the dominant means of communication - speech. However, it is very different to the poor content and lexical-grammatical composition, and contacts of children in the orphanage were weaker than at school, and family. Pupils of far less interest to peers than children from families. Lack of communication with adults leads to the impoverishment of the relationship between peers. Themselves quite extensive networking opportunities with peers who have children in institutions do not lead to the development of meaningful and emotional contact. Curiosity, enthusiasm, joy, resentment, waiting children from families can not survive alone, and certainly involve his experiences in peer. This is why we face, speech therapy, there was a task - to help children overcome their problem in the development of communication skills, and teach them the right to communicate not only with their peers, but also with adults. And to solve this problem, in our view, is necessary, using an innovative, non-traditional methods and techniques. Since learning process that occurs on a background of pleasant, positive emotions, contributes to a better perception and memorization of the information received.To solve this problem is working closely with speech therapists educators and psychologists. Developed a joint program "Learning to communicate."Goal: to create the conditions for the formation and development of communication skills of pupils boarding middle and high school age. Objectives:
1. Generate adequate communication skills with peers and adults in the surrounding society.
2. Improve the skills of conflict-communication at different levels (using the game interaction).
3. To form the ability to analyze their own actions that motivate treatment for inner peace.
4. Develop a favorable moral stance toward the world and other people, to him; help to overcome psychological barriers to the process of self-expression.
5. Expand their ideas of self-examination and self-correction in the field of communication.
6. Support vocabulary development, communication and lexical and grammatical aspects of speech.
7. Support the development of mental cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination).
8. Support the development of skills to work in a team and help each other.
9. Develop fine motor skills and finger coordination.
10. Develop the ability to quickly switch from active work on passive.
11. Inculcate interest in the training session.
Methods and forms of work:
- Conversation;
- Role-playing game;
- Exercises on interpersonal communication;
- Breathing and movement exercises;
- Reflective practices;
- Methods of self-expression (in the figure, in the image).
An important pedagogical and educational aspect is the creation of a positive atmosphere conducive not only in the classroom, but also after school. Children are important kindness, understanding, acceptance, affection. These guys are very sensitive to love, stung by its deficit. Therefore, the most important in the work not only speech therapy, but every employee working in a boarding school - place the child for themselves, to each individual attention. OE Kryukova said that "students involved in the occupation, can overcome those complexes that prevent communication, such as camping trips. Make more relief and filigree their traditional means of expressing emotions, feelings, sensations, reasoning. And then, when to start the practical test in the direction of tourism and local history, the young participants of psychological training will be easier to find understanding among the participants of the campaign, with the leaders of a tour group, local history mug etc. And their own participation in the tourism and local history events will also be wearing of the ecological character. For the IT environment is progressively formed in proportion to their participation comfortable communication environment necessary for high-quality information exchange ". [12] It is very important for such children taking communication skills of adults. A personal example of teachers is the most effective way to develop all components of personality - such as the ability to communicate and build relationships with others, to leave the stress and much, much more. By implementing this project, the children will be able to better understand each other and adults, learn how to properly communicate not only with their peers, but also with adults, to behave appropriately in different situations. Socialization of orphans is one of the most important tasks of all employees of residential care facilities, and a complex, purposeful work of all its services will help to successfully achieve its goals. And the use of a broad arsenal of media education can organize a weighty speech therapy support a variety of areas of socialization. We are ready to admit that the further integration of media education component in the process can make the results of our work more visible and make them sustainable.
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Abstract. Media education tourist-oriented local history is beneficial to the process of socialization of orphaned children in a boarding school. The special quality of this type of activity takes in speech therapy support for the formation of correct speech of the young tour guide, journalist, manager of museums. The article describes the types, methods and directions of speech therapists for the successful socialization of orphans being cared for in institutions. We offer you and a description of the work being done in this area at a boarding school № 1 in Voronezh.
Keywords: media education, local history, interviews, tour guide, tourist and natural history activities, types, methods of speech therapy, socialization of orphans, boarding school, speech therapy course.
Chernousova Inna, a teacher and speech therapist first category of "Boarding school № 1 for orphans and children left without parental care", a member of the International Academy of children and youth tourism and study of local region named after Alexander Ostapets-Sveshnikov, an honorary member of the team TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after Maria Shapovalenko", a member of the Russian orphanage's family .. 8-910-746-54-43.
Latyshev Oleg, real member (an academician) of the International Academy of children and youth tourism and study of local region named after Alexander Ostapets-Sveshnikov, scientific director of the Federal Experiment Russian Academy of Education, PhD, founder and director of TEP IPO ADYUTK "Mariinsky Gallery named after Maria Shapovalenko", head of the Russian orphanage's family. 8-919-246-87-58, 8-918-443-00-43,

логопедическая поддержка, краеведение, Черноусова, логопедия, школа, социальная адаптация, социально незащищённые дети, самостоятельность, дети-сироты, логопед, социализация, Латышев, детский дом, социальное самоопределение, самореализация, школа-интернат, сообщество

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