Update II

Apr 09, 2011 17:21

Finally, an idle weekend devoted only to Alyssa! Last weekend I drove to Sac and worked like a fucking dog on the house + yard, but this weekend I am on my own. I woke up at 1pm, only ran 2 miles on the treadmill and thought about death because my throat was closing up and my nose was running. Is this allergies?? Fuck me, that is depressing, but I won't know because I never go to the doctor.

Then I cleaned my room and now I'm thinking about maybe doing laundry. Or maybe I'll play DotA for the next 11 hours, who knows! It's weird not having any obligations, family or otherwise, I don't know what to do with myself. Hopefully Brian will drive down here next weekend, if I end up going back to Sacramento I'll just end up doing yard work for 24 consecutive hours before driving the 7 hrs back and then I'll feel like shit the rest of the week.

I am looking forward to this week; Clippers game w/ Rob on Wed and then we get our cubicles at work on Friday! This is a momentous occasion for my entire team, we can't stop talking about it. I'm going to get a plant for my cube, I think. I don't even know.
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