[meme] Multi-fandom Christmas-themed Drabblefest

Dec 23, 2010 15:55

multifandom christmas drabblefest

Merry Christmas everyone! In an effort to bring some cheer (and writing mojo) into out lives, I've decided to host a Christmas-themed drabble meme! Request something, or just go ahead and write something, that has a Christmas feel to it. Whether it's mistletoe, snow falling, Christmas lights or opening presents, make it feel like Christmas! (If you want to include other holidays, feel free! I just don't know any others that happen at the same time as Christmas.)

    001. When posting a request, make sure the subject of your comment has FANDOM(S) | CHARACTER(S)/PAIRING | HIGHEST RATING YOU WANT and then put the prompt in the comment itself.
    002. When posting a non-requested drabble/fulfillment drabble, make sure the subject of your comment has FANDOM(S) | CHARACTER(S)/PAIRING | RATING. Also include a warning if there's room/you think there should be warning for whatever's in your drabble.
    003. Spread the love! If you like something someone else wrote, comment and tell them! (On the flipside: if you don't like something someone wrote, just move on.)
    004. Don't start wank/flame anyone/be rude.
    005. Spread the word! C/p the code and let everyone know that they should come join in on the fun!
    006. Original stuff is welcome, but I'd prefer keeping it fandom-centric.
    007. Have fun! If you have questions, comment here.

multifandom christmas drabblefest
click the banner


banner by fiddlings

* multi-fandom, !meme, (fanfic) length: drabble/ficlet, * crossover, (fanfic)

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