Mar 27, 2002 10:59
Love and hate two very close emotions. She feels the love she feels the hatred... which one is more powerful. Lusting for the love, remembering the pain that love has caused. Is it all worth it for her? Hopefully she'll figure it out soon before its too late. Is it too late? Does she feel nothing or so much she cant tell what it is? Please shine light her way let her see what it should be like, dont make her go through more pain for nothing shes already had enough especially with this sam subject. DOnt drive her crazy! Let her have her breath of freedom. Make her desire you make her need you not just think she wants you do u know what I am saying? I hope you do I cant show him anymore he needs to figure it out I need a mannot a little boy. SOmeone who will listen, I'm wiht him he barely listens when I know boys who hang on my every word... does that make sense to anyone? She feels no meaning because she has no meaning. Her reflection not so great either. Its somethin we all share in common? Who knows, show me!