Title: A Little Piece Of Heaven (Chapter 6)
pansyxdaisy "Breanna"
Pairing: Gerard/Frank
Rating: PG-13
POV: Frank
Summary: Based off of the song "A Little Piece Of Heaven" by Avenged Sevenfold. Its supposed to be a wicked story and i suppose if you want the summary just listen to the song xD
Disclaimer: I do not own A7X, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, or A Little Piece Of Heaven.
Author Notes: READ ME!!!!- Listen to 5:12 through 5:51 of
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kcezKG6SzM when you read "I will suffer-".. You'll understand ;P
I woke to the buring feeling you get after being next to a fireplace for too long. I opened my eyes. I was in hell. I could see Frank whispering to this rather intimdating yet familiar figure... it was... Frank? But not Frank. His skin was clear and pale, muscles not toned, but buff. His hair was long, halfway past his back. Ravenlike wings painted his back, and his eyes were purely black.
I gasped for air, realizing i wasnt breathing. The Demon Frank and his Corpse like counterpart snapped thier attention towards me. I rolled on to my knees coughing. "Frank..." I gasped, holding my chest. "I was wrong...I see the errors in my ways. I'd do-" I breahed in sharply, pain stricken.."Anything, to make it up to you from beyond my grave. I'm so sorry..."
"Gerard I've been in Hell!" Frank, the corpse, shouted. I lowered my head, standing slowly. I approched the two, and raised my gaze.
"Who is he?" I guestured to demonic Frank. Corpse Frank smiled.
"Satan." My eyes widened. "I sold Satan my entity, my spirit form, in order to kill you. While you've been wrapped up in a little piece of heaven, I've been burning in hell." Tears welled up into my eyes, i fell on me knees before Corpse Frank. Tears began to spill, they seemed unending.
"I will suffer for so long," I begged, Frank crossed his arms staring down at me, eyes piercing.
" What will you do? Not long enough." He spat.
"To make it up to you-"
"I pray to god that you do."
"I'll do whatever you want me to do-"
"Well then i'll grant you one chance."
"And if its not enough-"
"Its not enough, its not enough?" Franks eyes softened.
"If it's not enough-" I stumbled, thinking.
"Not enough?"
"Try again."
"Try again?"
"And again."
"And again?" Frank raised his eyebrows.
"Over and over again...." I finally opened my eyes, and looked up at Frank.
He was smiling. He looked towards Satan, who nodded, a smile playing on his lips. I swallowed hard.