Title: A Little Piece Of Heaven (Chapter 5)
pansyxdaisy "Breanna"
Pairing: Gerard/Frank
Rating: R
POV: Frank
Summary: Based off of the song "A Little Piece Of Heaven" by Avenged Sevenfold. Its supposed to be a wicked story and i suppose if you want the summary just listen to the song xD
Disclaimer: I do not own A7X, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, or A Little Piece Of Heaven.
Author Notes: I suggest listening to Avenged Sevenfold while reading. it sets the mood quite well :3
A deal with the devil. That's all it took. I sold him my entity, the form of my spirit, in order to return to my body on earth. Granted i would look the same as i did when i died, but i would never decay, nor could i ever be killed. Here is where i extracted my revenge. Take away what he so brutally took from me. My possibilities.
I was falling through darkness. My body swaying. Finally i reached a warmth, but then immediately turned cold. I opened my eyes. My entire body was freezing. Slowly my vision returned, then my hearing. I could hear the Rocky Horror Picture Show playing. I followed the noise. My body feeling very sluggish at first. As soon as the feeling began to set it i heard Gerard's gasped voice.
"F-Frank?" Like a deer caught in headlighs he awed at the sight of me. Stumbling out of his seat he ran for the door. I quickly followed him, he stopped and glanced back once, and then began to head for the street. I knew where he would run.
Standing in the graveyard i waited for him. He entered panting, and looking behind him. Taking a step forward i plunged my knife into him. Must've stabbed him fifty fucking times. Digging into his chest i stole what he took from me, his heart.
"Frank," He gasped as i clutched his heart in my hands. "I-I'm so.." He breathed sharply, voice barely audiable. "Sorry."
His body fell just as i tore at the heart, separating it from the muscles and arteries. i bit it into his heart, ripping the organ with my teeth. Chewing, I spoke around it.
"Bring us home my Lord...."