I Didn't Hear You Leave (IDHYL) : Chapter two

Feb 09, 2014 20:04

Title:  I Didn’t Hear You Leave

Pairing: Sergio Ramos/ Fernando Torres

Fandom: RPF

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Real person fiction; Real person slash,Angst

Summary: training commenced within the training camp and the boys watch the Miami heath game. also on A03

***Chapter two: Change My memory***


The next morning was brutal, a new rotation list different from the one that was given to them the previous night was dropped in every room.

The rotations list posted the previous night had names of all the members of the national team with alphabets ranging from A-D in front of their names. The alphabets represented the four groups that were created.

It was understood that groups A and D would be sharing a team bus, while B and C would share and also train together. It is the manifest of the rules the guys were whining about, they are being treated like they are a bunch of kids in boarding school.

The only arrangements that they had no clue how it happened was their Sleeping arrangements. It was already decided by the officials, so no body knew the tactical reasons behind the arrangement but it served some people well.


Fernando is training with Juan, being that he is in group A and Juan is in D. they get to Train in the same group and also ride together on the bus. Other people that were in their group are the likes of Pepe, David Villa, Xavi, Pique, and Jordi and some other guys who Fernando dint really speak much to.

At the opposite side of the pitch from Fernando’s group was group B and C consisting of Iker, Sergio, Navas, Cesc, Pedro, Caesar, and a couple of new guys. With this strategy of breaking them into smaller groups, their coach can rotate between groups and get a good assessment of his boys.


When training commenced they were put in teams of two. Fernando found himself partnered with Pepe who he hadn’t seen since the Euro championship. Pepe is like the ultimate father of the group; he secretly has a soft spot for Fernando and tends to take his side in whatever happens in the team or outside the team. This is mostly because he looked out for Fernando when Fernando first joined the team as a scared teenager.

Pepe is an all round good guy and everyone loves and respects him.the only controversy about Pepe is how nothing gets past him. All information whether true or false on anything about anything finds its way to Pepe.

"Are you guys fighting again?"

Pepe asks Fernando raised brow as he lay on his back, putting himself in position for Fernando to hold his feet to the ground while he starts his 50 sit ups.

"What do you me-"

"Common Nando, you both are more obvious than a pink sombrero in a white party. By the way if nothing was up you won't be here"

Pepe says giving him a knowing look.

Pepe is right and he knows it. If there were no strained relationship between Sergio and himself they would be skipping training and putting their energy to good use.

They would have been locked in one of the bathroom stalls with their hands down each others shorts with dicks in their hand, while their lips suffocated each other in a brutal kiss.

They'll suck on each others tongue licking the familiar wall of the others mouth till they are out of breath.

A strong and long kiss with so much want and drive, Kissing for all the times they've been apart, kissing for the now because they have each other and its all that matters and kissing for the future because they never know when they'll see each other again.

Then they'll be all sweaty, breathing heavily against each others face as they quicken their hands and cum moaning each others name while they catch their breath telling the other how much they love and have missed them.

"No. We aren't fighting. We just haven't spoken in a while. Well we actually aren't speaking to each other." Fernando speaks weakly because he doesn't even know what they are any more or where they stand.

They exchange roles and the goal keeper holds the strikers’ feet tight. As he starts his 50 sit ups with a one.



Fernando continue to make the sounds as he pushes his upper body up without moving his feet.

"You know Nando, you're like my little bro and I will always be here for you. I've noticed you've been happier and am suspecting its because of the recent developments so If this new decision is what you want and Sergio is not taking it well I think I can speak to him and he would accept it."

Pepe says the last part like Sergio has no choice, like if he refuses he would have to deal with him.


Fernando breathes out. "What are you talking about Pepe?"

Fernando has no idea what Pepe is talking about, whatever decision it is that he made is alien to him.

"Fernando you know you can explain to me, I know about Plug!"

"What?" How did he, who told, what does he actually know” Fernando ‘s brain flips

"Rotate" Del Bosque shouts from the corner approaching their group.

Fernando finds himself with Gerard before he could ask Pepe exactly what he knows. He just let Gerard hold him down while he continues his sit ups.


The events of the next few days were easy and cool. Only downside is they had to wear yellow and red with blue everywhere they went and it made it easier for them to be spotted by the fans so they tend to stop every few seconds to take photos or sign an autograph.

As an important personality people always have a perception of who you should be and what they expect you to be but there's a time when its tougher to keep the front and please everyone.

Sometimes you get into a certain mood which makes taking pictures with fans and signing autographs that you feel honoured to do, become hard work and you feel forced in every sense of the word.
Thus, you're asked to sign an autograph, you just feel the need to stab the pen through the paper and let out your frustration. That's how Sergio Ramos has been feeling for a while now.

But realizing himself that he's not just Sergio Ramos the sevillian, that defender for both Spain and real Madrid, but that he is Spain and a representation of real Madrid, he's a brand, a symbol and a role model that people look up to for inspiration, he knows he needs to avoid any hostile attitude and keep his personal feelings at bay. But that's easier said than done


The team went sight seeing and shopping earlier that week, its been more of a torture than fun for Sergio because he gets to watch Fernando and Juan get cozy with each other.

He never trust friends any more, he knew they were getting too close when Juan started going with Fernando on vacation alone and sometimes he calls Fernando’s house and Juan has to pick up because Fernando can't get to the phone.

He’s always known they were too close, although Fernando told him there is nothing to be worried about, sometime he still felt threatened by their relationship and thinking back now he doesn't know how to react to everything he feared becoming a reality before his eyes.

He kicks himself for not noticing it earlier that Juan was plotting to steal his boyfriend but he knows now and all he has to do is find a way to tell Fernando that he knows about Plug so he can stop avoiding him out of guilt and they can find a way to deal with this because deep down he knows he wants to.

Its already mid-week of their second week in Miami which means that their stay is coming to a close and its finally time for them to watch the big game. The team had finished their friendly matches between Haiti and Ireland but still had a few days of events lined up till they head to Rio de janeiro.

The first event was the all awaited Maimi heath game.The Spanish team was invited to watch Miami Heath play and it made them all really glad to step out of their hotel rooms.

Sergio's always loved basket ball, it was his backup sport. Growing up a couple of friends had Lacrosse as their backup sport but he was good at basketball almost as good as he was in football, so the game means more to him than to others.
But his concentration was not on the game, it was 3 rows away to the front.


Fernando sat 3 rows in front of Sergio, with Juan to his left. Sergio watched Fernando smile and laugh. He could count the times he's seen Fernando smile before his eyes since they arrived at Miami and it’s only when he's with Juan that he's happy.

It bugs Sergio that he's not the reason Fernando is happy, but he can't stop staring at that smile. It’s always been his down fall. It is so intriguing and intoxicating how the smile of one man can make every bit of Sergio's body quiver.

The wrinkle that forms at the corner of his eyes even when he has the lightest smile, how he sways his head to the side closing his eyes slowly because it’s a genuine smile that comes from the heart.

Sergio broke his focus watching Fernando and had no idea about the game on all occasions Navas gave him the elbow to ask what was happening in the game because he dint know squat about basketball and was hopping Sergio could help him get up to speed.

Sergio kept watching Fernando; A few times Fernando would lean into Juan who would whisper something to Fernando, who would then look behind and Sergio would stop whatever he was doing and stare back at him. Both eyes filled with tension they just stare and then look away.

It continued until Navas caught him staring.

"I still don't understand you. You stare at him everywhere and it s obvious its killing you but you won't talk to him"
Sergio shrugs as Navas spoke still looking at Fernando

"After flipping out and ranting about Plug and how it‘s over, here you are wishing he'll comeback to you"
Sergio dint make a sound, obviously trying to change the topic and wave it off as nothing but Navas caught him well.

"Does he know about PLUG?" Navas asked with concern a bit loud causing Juan to turn around.

Sergio immediately put a hand over his mouth, holding Navas close to him to stop him from talking. But the way he's holding him tells more story than what is happening. It intended as though they are intertwined like lovers stealing kisses in the dark

"Oh my God, you haven't told him have you?" Navas says in a loud whisper.

"He needs to know Sergio, because only then can you get answers at least know why, not that I don't already do... I still believe there is more to-"

"I don't need answers, it was clear enough and everything since then says am right you were there that night you saw everything"

He dismisses Navas as he catches Fernando staring at them with something in his eyes. He searched Fernando's face but finds no answers as Fernando stood up hastily and walks off to the toilet area while the game is still on.

"Well, He's leaving...go talk to him now...go" Navas whispered

Sergio contemplated going to talk to Fernando to straighten out the silence and this big wall between them but all his doubts shut down when he saw Juan stand up and chase after Fernando.
Sergio stood up quickly and walked to the male side of the toilets slowly trailing behind.


Once in the toilet Sergio can hear voices whispering from a stall, and immediately identified them as those of his team mates. He decides to hang around and eavesdrop.

"You know I care about you, and won't let anyone hurt you right"
Sergio hears Juan's voice talking and his eyes grow wide.

"I know it’s just" he hears muffled words from Fernando like he's talking and trying to catch his breath. "They are kissing" Sergio's brain interpreted”.

"Common Nando am here for you... Am always going to be here for you no matter what happens


Sergio hears a kissing sound and a huge sigh.

He can't believe he actually thought that maybe just maybe... Sergio dashed out of the toilets with blurry eyes and a heaving chest into the streets of Miami...

series, sernando, title: idhyl, title: i didn't hear you leave, pg-13, fandom:rpf, football slash

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