So I went to youtube to put on some music while I cleaned the kitchen, and this random video was on my suggestions list, and based on the title I thought it was going to be something kinda cute and funny BUT NO. SO I JUST SAT HERE AND CRIED OVER A FANVID AND I THINK I NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP.
Click to view
Just, just...I CAN'T WITH ALL THESE BROTHER FEELS, OH GOD. ;_____; I feel like I spend so much time squeeing/ficcing/etc about Dean/Cas that I don't really express my love for Dean and Sam enough. And for the record, I don't ship Wincest, I just LOVE their brotherly relationship.
And maybe I'm PMS-ing or something (TMI? XD) but I literally just sat there watching this video with my hand over my mouth making ridiculous dry-heaving noises. TOO MUCH. CAN'T HANDLE IT. Aghhhh. *dies*
Okay, I have to pull myself together and actually go clean the kitchen like I wanted to in the first place. Then make dinner and go to work. But how can I possibly function as a human being when I have all these feels? Ughhhhh, SPN, why you do this to me?