
Dec 20, 2011 16:58

This is just a quick post to let you know of a few projects that I have going on, starting in January.

PROJECT THE FIRST: The 2012 Harry Potter Read-a-Long!

The read-a-long needs more participants! We will read one HP book a month, starting in January, and have fun discussions at the end of each month. If you want to come play, go check out that info post. And please pimp it out to any of your friends who might be interested! :DD


This is a weekly drabble challenge comm inspired by the wonderful lost_in_108. It's multifandom, and multiawesome. XDD There is nothing over there just yet except an intro post (literally nothing, I just created it, lol), but if you want to play go join and I'll accept your membership! I will be working on more information, rules, and the like in the coming weeks, but I want this baby to be up and running as soon as possible so we can get to the ficcing! :DD So go join, tell your ficcer friends, it's gonna be awesome! <33

That is all. Back to studying. *headdesk*

fandom, drabblefix, comms, pimpage

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