ask away!

Jun 27, 2011 16:44

I bugged my dearest safety_caesars for meme questions, even though her questions may not have been from a meme in the first place. XDD So, comment if you want me to ask you 5 questions!

1. Some fanfic is so good it could be canon. What's the best fanfic you've ever read; any fandom? (THE STORY aside, of course!)

I can't BELIEVE you won't let me say The Story! UNFAIR, IT IS THE BEST EVER. XDD Anywho, this is difficult because I have SO MANY fandoms, but one that sticks in my mind is Fox Ears, by The Starhorse on It's my own personal post-Deathly Hallows canon now, I honestly prefer it to what really happened. Plus it fixes the thing that made me most upset! And all the Weasleys are just so well-characterized, they're all different and grieving in different ways. And George, omg, George. He is amazing in this. I can't explain how amazing this fic is, if you have any love for the Weasleys at all (and the twins in general) GO READ IT.

2. What's your favorite Zelda game?

Ocarina of Time, of course! I think it's actually my favorite of all video games ever! I love games that span time, and anything time-travelly is always up my alley. So I love playing as kid!Link and then adult!Link. I love the complexities of the dungeons and that the boss fights weren't too easy. I love the mysteries of the game and trying to figure out who to trust and what's going on. I love the huge map, the sheer vast amount of places you can go. And I love that you get to transform into other creatures to survive in those places! SO AWESOME. Zelda games in general are my favorite TYPES of games too, I love 3rd-person action-adventure games. And it has such re-play value, with all the little side-quests and new places to go. Basically, BEST GAME EVER.

3. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are fighting in a steel cage match. DESCRIBE THE BATTLE.


Jon: Why are we in a steel cage? What are we supposed to do in here?
Stephen: We're supposed to fight, obviously Jon.
Jon: But I don't want to fight you!
Stephen: Because you know I'll win?
Jon: No!
Stephen: I have been working out, Jon.
Jon: I've noticed, but that's not the point. Where are the keys?
Stephen: I believe the fangirls took them.
Jon: ...the what?
Stephen: The fangirls, Jon, try to keep up! Honestly, you're supposed to be smart.
Jon: I had no idea we were dealing with the most ravenous of creatures, Stephen. I'm frightened.
Stephen: Here, let me hold you.
Jon: Ah, that's nice. I do love the scent of your cologne.
Stephen: It's Colbert Man Musk, you can buy it at your local Sephora.
Jon: Stephen? Is that camera zooming in on us?
Stephen: They want us to...perform. We don't want to make the fangirls angry, Jon.
Jon: Of course not. So what do we do?
Stephen: Just give into it.
Jon: Oh, Stephen. I had no idea.
Stephen: Sh, baby. Let daddy take care of you.
Jon: ...if you expect me to call you daddy then you're just insane.
Stephen: Fine. But I'm tying you up with YOUR tie this time. I like to make love wearing nothing but my American flag tie. There's nothing more patriotic than that!
Jon: I don't believe there is, Stephen. Let's do this thing.

*fade to black*

4. What would be your ideal teaching position? Subject/age group/etc.

I honestly don't really know yet! I think I would love to teach an AP literature class of seniors, so I can tackle really good and dense literature and get higher quality work from them. I can't stand kids who say "I hate to read" and I think I will have little patience with students who don't do the work. I'm kind of a softie, but I have high expectations of my students. Also, I would love to teach a creative writing class!

5. What 5 books would you bring on that whole shipwreck/deserted island scenario?

This is really really difficult because I love so many series of books! I will try to just pick one of each, though, as hard as that is.

1. Return of the King (JRR Tolkien). I think this is the best of the LOTR books, as hard as it is to choose. I just am in love with the ending, and I never get tired of the battles and the hobbits climbing up Mount Doom. Basically, it makes me cry every single time, so I think it deserves to come along, lol.

2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (JK Rowling). TOO HARD TO PICK JUST ONE, GOD. I think Prisoner of Azkaban is my fave, but it makes more sense to bring one of the longer books to a desert island. XD GOF was the turning point in the series, I love how it's totally different from every other HP book. I love all the new characters, the wider scope of the wizarding world. The Tournament is fun, and all the dating stuff is just hilarious. I love the Yule Ball. And I love the ending! The scene with Voldemort in the graveyard is one of the most intense things I've ever read! I LOVE THIS BOOK. And I think it's the one HP book that I've re-read the most times.

3. Coraline (Neil Gaiman). I wish this book had been out when I was a kid, because I would have LOVED it. It's one of those books that you read differently as a kid and as an adult. To kids it's an adventure story, to adults it's a horror story. I adore parallel universes, and this one is just so personal and creepy! The Other Mother is truly one of the most horrifying villains ever. But Coraline herself makes the story for me! She is one of the best child protagonists ever, Gaiman does a brilliant job bringing her to life and making her at once totally unique and yet still relatable. I could read this book a million times and never get sick of it.

4. The Great Gatsby (F Scott Fitzgerald). This is the English nerd in me, lol. I fell in love with this book when we read it in high school. It's set in such a great time period of American history and is just such a rich and lush world that it takes place in. This is another book that I read differently as I got older. As a teenager I was so invested in the tragic love story, but as an adult I see how much more the book is really about. It says so much about American culture and society, I think I can get a different meaning from it each time I read it. It really is a masterpiece.

5. Hound of the Baskervilles (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). My absolute favorite Sherlock Holmes book! I always loved reading mysteries as a kid (as well as sci-fi and fantasy) and this book is my favorite mystery that I've ever read. I've always been a huge Holmes fan, and it's hard to choose between the cases, but this one is just so unique. I love the contrast of a seemingly supernatural crime against Holmes's logical brain. Nothing makes sense the way it should, and the end result when Holmes reveals how it was all done? Brilliant, and unguessable, and mind blowing. Plus in this book, Watson does a good deal of the sleuthing, and he and Holmes have a fantastic reunion! Yes, it's all about the slash. XDD I really love Victorian Literature (if I had to pick one type of literature to become an expert in, I would pick Victorian), and the Holmes stories are some of the best there is.





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