dreams and memes

Apr 24, 2011 21:55

Random thought of the day: I had another Black Swan dream while napping this afternoon (shut up, lol). I...kind of wish these dreams would stop, lol. XDD GET OUT OF MY PSYCHE, NINA. Obviously giving her an LJ icon was the appropriate response. :P Although this dream wasn't as creepy as the last one...I was her but also me at the same time (I ( Read more... )

fandom, memes, dreams, ships

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Comments 17

mustaza April 25 2011, 02:07:36 UTC
Luna Lovegood! I loved the Slughorn party for that.. she's just... well... she's Luna XD --- although I do ship her with the random guy J.K picked for her (Rolf Scamander) ♥

Can I cheat and ask for two characters? ;3

LOST - Frank Lapidus (yay for not being obvious)

Harry Potter - Neville Longbottom (well, I had to be obvious here)


pann_cake April 25 2011, 03:19:00 UTC
I adore Luna, she's so great! I do like that JK hooked her up with a kindred spirit who goes on adventures with her, but I'll always ship her with Harry. :P

You can ask for more, if you want. ;)


* How I FEEEEEL about this character: I have always loved Frank! He's not my favorite of the freighties (obviously we all know who my love goes to...), but I think he was the most easily liked of the four. From the start he tries to help them all out, no questions asked. I was CRUSHED when we thought he died in the sub explosion! I was so glad to find him alive again.
* All the people I ship romantically with this character: Juliet, Sun, Richard and Miles OT3! :P
* My non-romantic OTP for this character: I love how he and Miles became buddies, they need to be friends foreverrrrrr.
* My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't really have one! Maybe that I preferred his weird pointy beard he first had than after he shaved it off. XD
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: More ( ... )


mustaza April 25 2011, 03:30:04 UTC
Frank - * All the people I ship romantically with this character: Juliet, Sun, Richard and Miles OT3! :P

Neville - * All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hannah, Ginny, Luna.

JUST LOOK AT THE TWO FIRST OPTIONS FOR EACH CHARACTER ♥ ♥ ♥ --- and, omg I'm hating writer's strike and not-so-related-to-the-books HP movies >:(((

You can ask for more, if you want. ;) --- don't complain :)

LOST - Eloise
LOST - Charlotte
LOST - Miles (squee as much as you want :P)


pann_cake April 25 2011, 04:46:15 UTC
I'm gonna do Miles first and come back tomorrow for the others. ;)

* How I FEEEEEL about this character: SO MUCH LOVE FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER. :DDD I am still SHOCKED that Miles made it out alive in the end, but so so happy. I can't watch "Some Like it Hoth" without tearing up. I love how he grows as a character but keeps his same snarky sense of humor, and that he's able to comment on the crazy things that happen on the show (like in "The Incident" when he tells them all "...I'm glad you thought this through" lol).
* All the people I ship romantically with this character: Obviously my OTP with Miles is and will always be Richard. I find them so perfect for each other! But besides Richard I like Miles with Sawyer, Juliet, Kate, Claire, Dan...he's very shippable. XD
* My non-romantic OTP for this character: SAWYER. BBFS FOREVER.
* My unpopular opinion about this character: I think it's unpopular that I love him so much, lol. :P
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I really wanted to ( ... )


viperstingblue April 25 2011, 03:26:45 UTC
First off, its good to see you on the UK Being Human bandwagon! But the UK Being Human will break your heart while kicking ass, Pan.


pann_cake April 25 2011, 03:29:21 UTC
It's so amazing! I'm already super attached to the three of them, so I'm sure it will end in heartbreak for me either way. :(((

Have you seen the US one?


viperstingblue April 25 2011, 10:27:38 UTC
Albus help me, I tried to get on board.
But it just doesn't click for me...like its trying to be the show while NOT being the show.
-_- Maybe its just me.


pann_cake April 26 2011, 03:19:00 UTC
No, I feel the same way. It's like they changed just a bit, but that little bit makes the whole show feel off. And I just love the cast of the UK one so much more, their friendship is much more believable and real. :\


ozmissage April 25 2011, 04:16:33 UTC

He is the only vampire I have ever really, truly, epically loved. My very favorite character is George, but I feel about them the way most people feel about Sam and Dean which is that you can't have one without the other. And Annie! I love her too. Let's face it, I love all of them. ;)

I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far! You have so many amazing eps ahead of you, I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Also, Luna! Leslie! Awesome choices.

How about Tom (P&R) for the meme?


pann_cake April 26 2011, 03:26:41 UTC
I KNOW, MITCHELL, HNNNG. Not to mention the fact that I have a THING for Irish accents (okay, there, I mentioned it), Mitchell is the most compelling vampire I've seen on screen in a long long time. My favorite scenes are the bonding with George and Annie, when they're just talking or hanging out on the couch. :3

I just finished season 1 and omggggg, the last few episodes made me so teary. :(( When Annie was going to walk through the door and George started to SOB? OH MY HEART. And George and Mitchell HUGGING SO TIGHTLY, AHHHHH. <3 <3 <3

Okay, breathe, I have a meme here to do. XDD

* How I FEEEEEL about this character: I came into P&R predisposed to like Tom, because I've loved Aziz in everything he's ever been in, even his stand up. He has a way of delivering lines that is just so hilarious. But Tom himself, I adore that he's such a goofball, that he seems so aloof and uncaring, but there are glimpses of how big a heart he really has. <3
* All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ann (they'd be so ( ... )


ozmissage April 30 2011, 16:00:54 UTC
I mentioned it), Mitchell is the most compelling vampire I've seen on screen in a long long time.

THIS. He's not a romantic figure or a "bad boy", he's a complicated mess of a person and they never, ever shy away from both his capacity for darkness and goodness. They do amazing things with the character, fandom got a little divisive about his characterization in s2 and s3, but I loved every minute of it.

When Annie was going to walk through the door and George started to SOB? OH MY HEART. And George and Mitchell HUGGING SO TIGHTLY, AHHHHH. <3 <3 <3

Dude, they are the OT3-ist OT3 in the history of time and space. LOVE.

Tom! Aziz cracks me up, I love his standup. And Tom/Ann is my super secret P&R ship. <3


pann_cake April 30 2011, 23:12:15 UTC
I love that about Mitchell too, his complexities, and that deep down he always tries to be a good person. And I like that he has that "cool" persona, especially compared to George, but that Mitchell can also be such a DORK. I love the episode when he invites the neighborhood over and is all homemaker-y, lol. And he has a King Kong poster in his bedroom! <333

Those two BOYS, they kill me with the cute. But I almost find it hard to slash them because I don't want to leave Annie out of it! But she'd totally ship it, so maybe it's okay. ;P


(The comment has been removed)

pann_cake April 25 2011, 04:50:15 UTC
AJDHAKSDHKAHSKDFHASKFAKJSFA OH HOORAY!!!! Every winter I want to read the books again, but I never have time. SOMEDAY I'll be done with school and can read them a millions billions times. :DD

ALSO, it's so weird to watch it without youuuuuuu! :(( We've been watching them with my friend Andy who's never seen them before (I told him we had to stop being friends until he saw them, lol), and I keep trying to hold in the comments so as to not ruin his experience...but during Two Towers last night, when Aragorn came triumphantly back to Helm's Deep and he and Legolas so that cute arm-clasping thing and have a ~moment~ I def ruined it by shouting out "...AND THEN THEY KISSED."



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