dreams and memes

Apr 24, 2011 21:55

Random thought of the day: I had another Black Swan dream while napping this afternoon (shut up, lol). I...kind of wish these dreams would stop, lol. XDD GET OUT OF MY PSYCHE, NINA. Obviously giving her an LJ icon was the appropriate response. :P Although this dream wasn't as creepy as the last one...I was her but also me at the same time (I hate when dreams do that, it's always confusing and hard to explain) and I was in a ballet/musical and the director didn't believe that I could do the part so I had to belt out "Over the Rainbow" to prove it (odd...) and he ended up replacing me with my cousin. Also, the guy playing the male lead opposite me was Vincent Kartheiser (Pete from Mad Men). Yeah it was a weird one. o_O

Here, since I should be doing homework (heh heh), have a few memes. First, from ozmissage:

1. Just ask for a letter.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters and your thoughts on each

And I even called Oprah. Well, I tried to call Oprah. Couldn't get her number. I'm putting it out there, like The Secret. And hopefully she'll call me.

Leslie Knope is a ray of sunshine in my life. Not since JD from Scrubs has a wacky but ultimately sweet and optimistic character existed in my life, lol. Very rarely on tv do we get a character who cares as much as Leslie does, about her job, her friends, her town. She has so much love to give, and it's so refreshing to see in a tv-world dominated by cynical characters. She's the kind of character that I wish I could be friends with. <3

Leia: Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board.
Tarkin: Charming to the last. You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life.
Leia: I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.

Ah, what to say about Princess Leia? She was my first female role-model, she taught me that Princesses don't have to just wait around in the tower for a guy to come rescue them. Leia is smart, fearless, willing to do anything to fight for what she believes in, and her sharp wit always amazed me. The woman can do anything.

Oh, I’d love to go with you as friends! Nobody’s ever asked me to a party before, as a friend! Is that why you dyed your eyebrow, for the party? Should I do mine too?

From the second she was introduced, Luna stole my heart. She's so refreshingly oddball. It actually causes me pain to see her get picked on at school, but I loved to see her relationship with the main characters grow. My heart soared when Harry asked her to Slughorn's party, and every time Ginny sticks up for her I get a little giddy. Plus I really love her bond with Harry, how they have this easy understanding of each other, how she can casually talk about important things with him, and how he grows to accept her and appreciate her for her quirks. Actually, I am still a little shocked that those two didn't end up together in the end. I mean, I know that Harry and Ginny makes it all very neat and tidy (one big happy Weasley family, and all that), but I always found Luna to be a better match for him.

Gimli: Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf.
Legolas: What about side by side with a friend?

I have so much love for Legolas! Yet another in a long line of side characters I find myself inexplicably attached to. XD A big part of my LOTR obession in high school was diligently watching and picking apart his every move. And squeeing. There was lots of squeeing. :P In the movies, he gets the most badass moves. He took down an Oliphaunt single-handedly! I mean, Aragorn is pretty badass too, but everything Legolas does he does with grace and flair. I love his fierce loyalty to Aragorn, and his unlikely friendship with Gimli. Come on, Legolas is a hot, badass, Elvish prince who is awesome with knives and fuckin deadly with arrows. What's not to love?

Ben: I was told a lot of things too. That I was chosen, that I was special. I ended up with a tumor on my spine and my daughter's blood all over my hands.
Locke: I'm sorry those things happened to you, Ben.
Ben: Those things had to happen to me. That was my destiny. But you'll understand soon enough that there are consequences to being chosen. Because, destiny, John? Is a fickle bitch.

I cheated a little with this one, but his last starts with L so it still counts. :P Ben Linus is one of the most complex and compelling characters in tv history. Not even exaggerating. At first he was this mysterious villain, the guy we loved to hate. He's also a master of manipulation, a victim, a pawn, a father, a leader...the list goes on and on. The great thing about Ben is his moral grayness. He seems to always do what's best for himself, choosing the island and his power over what's really important. Seeing him change into someone plagued by guilt, who is able to step aside and let someone else lead, who sacrifices himself to protect the island...it's such an amazing journey. Some of the best Lost moments are Ben's scenes. I get chills when he turns the wheel to move the island, when he's "judged" by the monster, when he wakes up in the middle of spinal surgery and takes control of a hostage situation with just his words. Still, just when you think you have him figured out he does something unexpected. All I know is, I felt so happy for him when Hurley asked him to stay in the island and help him lead. Ben deserves it.

Meme #2, from soda_and_capes:

Name any character from any of my fandoms and I will tell you:

* How I FEEEEEL about this character
* All the people I ship romantically with this character
* My non-romantic OTP for this character
* My unpopular opinion about this character
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon

Yeah, pretty much a variation of the meme I just did. WHATEVER. XDD

Okay, I think I will go watch UK Being Human now. I've been getting them from Netflix and I'm halfway through season 1 (which I'd love to talk about, but no spoilers, please!). I also watched the first episode of the US version. Verdict is still out, but I think overall I like the UK one better. At least the main 3 characters. Let me tell you of my FIERCE, UNDYING LOVE for Mitchell. <3 <3 <3 The US Aidan just doesn't compare. *shrug* I will gather more thoughts as I watch more of both series. I already have season 2 ready to go on my Netflix queue! However, my current dilemma is this: I have to babysit a puppy and a baby in a hotel suite while the parents are at a wedding on Friday. I want to bring Being Human to watch (totally appropriate to be watching with an 11 month old, yes? XD). The problem is that in season 1 the discs have 3 episodes each. Season 2 only has 2 episodes per disc. So if I watch the disc I have now (which has been sitting on my counter STARING ME DOWN all weekend while I do homework), I can get the next disc in time for Friday. HOWEVER, then I will only have 2 episodes to watch while baby/puppysitting. What to doooooo???

Obviously this is something that needs my attention. XDD I'll probably just end up bringing Lost to supplement the time spent not watching Being Human. I'm already guessing that the parents will come in to like, a gorey bloody scene and freak out at me for subjecting their child to it. XDDD

fandom, memes, dreams, ships

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